Latest Episodes

24. Space to Breathe
This episode is a workshop. A guided meditation (if meditation is a written or spoken discourse expressing considered thoughts on a subject) but really,...

23. How to Have Uncomfortable Conversations
It’s time to have some uncomfortable conversations. Being uncomfortable goes hand in hand with learning, and people, we need to learn because we need...

22. Dance Class on ZOOM
I’ve been using Zoom for over a year (for non-dance related meetings) but I’ve been teaching dance classes on Zoom for about 10 weeks...

21. Not Booking (A.K.A. Not Getting What You Want)
This episode goes out to everyone that wants to be booked and isn’t. It goes out to the Graduating Seniors that want the cap...

20. The Past, Present, and Future of LIVE Shows with Iggy Rosenberg
My guest, Iggy Rosenberg, has worked his way from NightClubs in Buenos Aires, to Crew Chief on the biggest concert tours of our time. ...

BONUS EPISODE: Mother’s Day with “Stan”
Happy Mother’s day to all you funky mommas out there! Thanks for tuning into this super special suuuuper bonus episode! Today, I time travel...