Latest Episodes

47. Lady Boss: Diana Matos
What happens when the commercial industry doesn’t make you happy anymore… Reinvention, that’s what! My guest this week is a pro at exactly that. ...

46. LIVE Q&A Vol. 1
Welcome to our FIRST but certainly not our last LIVE QUESTION AND ANSWER episode! I am joined by a (fabulous) live (virtual) audience and...

45. Emotional Backpacks
This episode is about emotional backpacks… as in backpacks that you put your feelings in when they are not useful in your body (which...

44. WTMM x CLI with Dexter Carr
My guest this week is the picture of hard work + talent + a winning mindset. Dexter Carr is dedicated to his work (...

43. Find Your Stage with Joe Lanteri
Usually Joe Lanteri is the one making the introductions, but this week, I get to introduce you to him! The one and only Joe...

42. WTMM X CLI with Heather Morris
Heather Morris and I talk about how dance lessons are life lessons...AND THEN we dig into all the things dance didn’t prepare us for. ...