Latest Episodes

168. Finding You Leg (A.K.A Finding Balance)
This week, dance lessons really are life lessons! We are digging into all of the ways that finding your balance in dance can help...

167. “R.A.I.N” in your Feelings with Compassion (Thank you Tara Brach!)
The acronym R.A.I.N. - Recognize, Allow, Investigate, Nurture - comes from Tara Brach (@tarabrach) and her book “Radical Compassion”. This, my friends, is my...

166. Pocket & Flow with Luther Brown
Today Luther Brown joins me on the pod! Luther has worked with some of the greatest artists of our time - Janet Jackson, Gwen...

165. The Way of Jenn Stafford, Avatar and Beyond
I cannot wait for you to fall in love with Jenn Stafford! Today we are talking, Cirque, Avatar: the Way of Water, auditioning, touring...

164. Bring Your Sh*t with Tevia Celli
Back in the day, I would take myself to a 6 am cycle class because Tevia Celli is THAT incredible. Tevia is now the...

163. Tour de Reina Hidalgo
Reina Hidalgo helped shape my life as a touring dancer for Justin Timberlake way back in 2007 and has gone on to do truly...