31. Words that Move THEM (A Birthday Special)

July 29, 2020 00:28:05
31. Words that Move THEM (A Birthday Special)
Words That Move Me with Dana Wilson
31. Words that Move THEM (A Birthday Special)

Jul 29 2020 | 00:28:05


Show Notes

If knowledge is power,  I truly cannot think of a greater gift than these power nuggets of knowledge from some super special people in my life. Today we celebrate the power of the people and the weight in their words.  Share it with a birthday buddy, and let this episode be the gift that keeps on giving!

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Episode Transcript

Transcript: Intro: This is words that move me, the podcast where movers and shakers, like you get the information and inspiration. You need to navigate your creative career with clarity and confidence. I am your host master mover, Dana Wilson. And if you're someone that loves to learn, laugh and is looking to rewrite the starving artist story, then sit tight, but don't stop moving because you're in the right place.  Dana: Hello. Hello and welcome. Hi there I am. Dana. Welcome. If you're new and you're in for a treat, if you're new and if you're returning welcome back, you also are in for a treat. I am so excited about this episode because it is such a mixed bag, a grab bag. If you will, a surprise party, grab bag of words that move me truly. Okay. Last week I had a birthday. I had my birthday to be very specific. I'm celebrating that whole birthday week as my win for this week because although it held a lot of beautiful celebration, which is obviously worth celebrating it also held a few FFTs. I became familiar with that acronym, FFT, thanks to Brené Brown's podcast, unlocking us highly, highly recommended. Um, FFT means the adult word for freaking first time. Freaking first time, anyways, not only did I take on this week's FFTs with 34 years of wisdom and compassion, but I felt more like my future self this week than I ever have before my future self, by the way is pretty incredible. So that is my win. All right. What is yours? What's your win? What are you celebrating? What is going well in your world?   Take your time. Okay. Congratulations and keep winning. All right. This episode is not entirely about my birthday, but it is going to start out that way. I turned 34 on July 21st, which means I am 34 old and some days, I guess by now, now birthdays have always meant different things at different times in my life. For example, when I was young, they meant presents and parties and cake in my twenties, a birthday didn't really mean that a particular day was special. Really. It became more about the day that everyone was available to get together for dinner and drinks and exchanges of special sentiments, really, really, truly special exchanges. I have had some remarkably special birthday gatherings in my life. Um, occasionally having a birthday was really just an excuse to do nothing. It's my birthday. I'm going to do what I want or an excuse to, um, post a shameless selfie on Instagram, definitely guilty.  Um, but this year I am making 34 years old mean that I've been around the sun 34 times. That's, that's it pretty scientific, pretty sterile, but I'm deciding to be really proud of this birthday and my 34 orbits, because I think that I'll be a better astronaut on this next trip, around the sun than I have ever been before. And that's because I have a better view of the world now than I have ever had before. I'm jazzed about it. I think it's very special. Um, Oh, speaking of special, let us talk about some special things that happened on the day I was born. No, thanks to Google by the way. This is thanks to my mom who may or may not have looked up all of these special things on Google. But anyways, on my birthday, July 21st, 1986, Ronald Reagan was the president of the United States. The number one movie was Aliens the sequel to Alien getting into that. Um, the number one song was Sledgehammer by Peter Gabriel. Rock on and also kind of cool is that my mom was also 34 on that day. Kind of a, kind of a special, full circle thing. Um, now I do just have to share one more thing that my mom said was the most special thing about that day. And I think it'd be better to let her say it herself. Check this out.   Stefani Wilson: The most special thing about that day is that you came into it. You who like, I didn't know to think of you as something other than a baby. I wish I had known to think of you as this human being that you are now. That's really who was born that day. You brought so much joy and happiness to so many people. I'm proud of you. And I love you. Happy Birthday Sweetheart  Okay. People go with me here because I just had a serious moment. My mom said, I didn't think to think of you as anything other than a baby. I wish I had known to think of you as this remarkable human being that you are today. I was just rocked by this idea because any time that I have ever met a baby, which is other people's babies, obviously I do not have my own baby. I mostly just marvel at how small and perfect they are. I'm shocked that all of the things are in the right place. And they're just so tiny, but I'm really wondering, does anyone think of their baby? Not as a baby, but as the person they'll become, I know that actually isn't possible because you, you know, that requires being able to tell the future at very very least it requires a tremendous amount of imagination to even try.  But does that even happen? Like when you have a baby, do you think of that baby as an adult? Or do you think of that baby as a baby? Mind Absolutely blown. So scraping myself off the floor. What I've learned from this message from my mom is that, um, she thinks I'm very special. Uh, I've also learned that I am a person that screamed and cried for the very first, but not the last time on July 21st, 1986. My mom was also 34 when I was born and I am 34 today. Okay. What else though? Like what else does it actually mean to be 34? Well, guys, I Googled it and in my very sophisticated and very systematic research, I read that on average 34 is the happiest year of our lives. Is that nuts? This is the year when people generally start checking off the big boxes, you know, the big life boxes like, get married, have kids, find stability, make real grownup money. Okay. It is safe to say that that research was obviously not conducted during 2020. I can count almost a full hand of postponed weddings this year. I have also heard, um, funny cause it's true type of statements about the only kids being conceived during quarantine will likely be first children to their parents because parents who already have kids are homeschooling them and they are exhausted. In other words, they are not interested in making more babies, man, what a time. And speaking of the time, Corona virus, isn't the only buzzkill of 2020 this year, this July 21st, 2020 celebration means something different to me than it ever has before to put it very simply instead of celebrating a happy birthday this year, I celebrated a human birthday, happy and sad, heavy and hopeful all at once. I am calling it my multi birthday and wow. So multi it was, this episode is my multi birthday gift to myself. And it was carefully designed so that it could be shared and be special to all of you for my birthday this year, I asked some of my favorite movers and shakers. And by the way, those are not exclusively dancers, I want to point out, for words of encouragement or their guiding principles. A favorite quote or a lesson learned or mantra. Um, some, some golden idea that's golden in their life and in their work because man, if knowledge is power, then I truly cannot think of a greater gift than these power nuggets of knowledge. So birthday or not come back to this episode when you're looking for something to celebrate, come back to this episode when you're looking for power. Oh, and if power is something that you are looking for, I highly recommend the first 38 seconds of Sledgehammer by Peter Gabriel. Those seconds in and of themselves are worthy of that number one slot. So please be my guest, have that gift. Enjoy these words and enjoy a very special birthday to me followed by the specialist outro song by the one and only Jermaine Spivey enjoy everybody.   Marty Kudelka:What up y'all Marty Kudelka checking in team roast. We sizzle the most, you know how we do and the words that move me the most are “Work smarter, not harder.” And the reason why is because I found I do my best work like that. So that's, what's up.   Megan Lawson: I’m Megan Lawson also known as Curious Carol, if you didn't know, and that feels like a prevalent nickname when talking about words that move me, this is Big Magic creative Bible of mine by Elizabeth Gilbert. And uh, one of the things that really resonates with me is to “live a life driven more strongly by curiosity than by fear.” Copy that.  Jillian Meyers: Hello, movers makers, doers listening in my name is Jillian Myers and a phrase that is very important to me. A bit of a guiding star in a creative process is one that I procured from the sidewalk. I'll just roll. It was written in sidewalk chalk. And because of that, I don't know the author, but it is very important to me and simple. And it goes a little something like this “Make what makes you feel” it's true and it's good.  Ava Bernstine-Mitchell: Hi, I'm Ava Flav . And the words that move me are your gifts are not just meant for you. They're meant to be given away. You are blessed to be a blessing.   Reshma: Hello?  Miles: Hello.  Reshma: If you'd like to introduce yourself,  Miles: My name is Miles Crawford Reshma: I'm Reshma Gajjar, Miles. Do you have some wisdom to share?  I do. I'm glad you asked. If you want to go fast, go alone. If you wanna go really fast? Go alone. But if you want to go far go together.   This morsel of wisdom, I'm still trying to figure out. He literally said this to me like two days ago, because I'm still trying to go fast alone. Apparently it's really embarrassing, but yes, if you want to go far go together. That's what he said. Mine has been really hard for me to choose because there's just so many, so many guiding things in my life. But I do have to say the thing that really shows up constantly is to “trust in divine timing.” I feel like we here, timing is everything. And, um, it is, and I think there's only so much we have control over. That's all we can do is control what we can, but to, to have faith and to actually trust and surrender and divine timing to actually do that versus intellectually know that timing is everything. That's been a big one for me.   But on that note, as far as big ones, I got a big surprise for you. The ultimate nugget of wisdom offerings. My mom, mom.  Renuka Gajjar: Yeah, I, hi, Dana. What I learned is that I cannot be a fast. Everything I do is gonna take time, but I don't care. I just realized that never stop learning. And I think more, I try. More I learn doesn't matter. It takes me a long time because all I hear is nothing but time. Okay. So yeah, this is true.  Reshma: There is no such thing as time. Time doesn't exist in calendar. Apparently just like our age. I said that somebody, somebody very wise said that to me once, if the time doesn't exist in a calendar, we are timeless. Happy birthday. We love you so much. Liana Blackburn: Hello, Liana Blackburn here. The words that move me are “I am completely committed yet on attached” To me, this phrase means that I can be completely committed to my relationships, my passions, my jobs, my loves, and also unattached from results, expectations or anything that I think should be offered to me in return. From that commitment, I am completely committed yet un attached.   Nicholas Palmquist: Hi, my name is Nicholas Palmquist and a word that moves me right now, I'd have to say is curiosity. Uh, I want to have this personal desire to learn more about something and to better understand it because, um, I'm literally curious about it. I just want to know. And I think the more you want to know about something, the more you'll investigate it and that will lead it to, um, being connected to all of these other things that you also learn about. So that's really, what's driving me these days, curiosity.   Lisette Bustamante: Hello. My name is Lisette Bustamante And the words that move me are “When everyone seems to be swimming upstream, go ahead and flow downstream” because, uh, I've learned over the years that when you try to work against the current, um, it just feels like you're struggling to move. And so I sit back, put my behind my head and I swim and flow downstream and let go, let go of trying to be in control of things.   Ryan Walker Page: Hi Dana happy birthday. I'm weighing in on the request to let you know words that have guided, supported, inspired me that maybe like still hold a lot of rank in my life. Uh, for me, what first comes up is developmental psychology sort of falls off after the age of 26. So there in lies, this sort of like moot point of like, Oh, do we stop developing? Surely that can't be true. And so this guy Robert Keegan's swooped in and was like, um, basically created the architecture for something called adult development. And um, he boils it down to this idea of like one's ability to hold complexity. Um, so can you coordinate multiple perspectives? Can you walk with contradiction? Like what is your bandwidth, um, in and for life? And so he like puts it in this imagery. This is like the ODA Twilight version of it or sure. But the first stage is that you are like swimming in this water and the water is like the beliefs attitudes that you inherited that you have, like not yet questions. Then the next stage is when that water starts to drain, uh, which can be like very lonely and empowering. And actually those things know each other and you find this rock. So you're like out of the water and onto the rock and the rock is firm and clear and bold and you have sight and ability to look at what was in relationship to maybe what you want. And so that rock represents what you want and this sort of like quest to author your own experience. The next stage, according to this guy is after you've like, um, positioned this rock as a lifeline and are sure about it and see where you were and can dive into that water when you want, but also sort of take a satellite view to it. You realize the rock has been a beach ball and it's like a profound beach ball, cause it's like the beach ball of your life. But, um, the beach ball yields and the beach ball plays and the beach ball has more of like a dancing choreography than a rock. You basically gain like a more robust emotional profile where like grief, um, can be cut with joy can be cut with loss, can be cut with humor. And these sort of like defined boundaried categories, but between things softens and it sort of like opens up the dance floor of your mind and your experience of life. And, um, I love that this imagery treats play as, as important as maybe the heavy blows of life and, um, finding a mental space that can coordinate and house and like, uh, integrate all of those things. It just feels so expansive and believable. Um, happy birthday. That's my thing.  Oh and this is Ryan Walker Page!  Kathryn Burns: Hi, it's Kathryn Burns. And the words that move me are do unto others as you would have them do unto you the golden role Simple, Sweet, stay kind.   Dom Kelley: Okay. Hi, my name is Dominique Kelly and the words that moved me are just be better.  Chonique: Hey this is Chonique and the words that move me are “They tell me life is a marathon and I hope I brought the right shoes” And that’s because life is a marathon its not a sprint its not a destination its a journey and just having the tools that you need daily for the present moment is the only thing that’s going to get you to move to the next thing. So, that’s what I believe, that’s what I move by, and I love you Dana, Happy Birthday!  Spenser Theberge: Hi, it's Spenser Theberge, and the words that move me are “Learning is like a feedback loop. Remember to look outside of yourself as much as you look inside.”  Nina McNeely: This is Nina McNeely. And the words that moved me are “to compare is to despair” Love you cream cheese, Danish. Poppin’ Pete: Hey, what's up? Dana, Poppin’ Pete here. Um, my cool mantra is “keep going, keep growing and keep it funky.” And what keeps me moving is the absolute love of the dance. The very first time I saw poppin’ or anything, um, I fell in love with it and I carried the love of the dance respecting that. And that keeps me going. That's why I've been around for 42 years. Peace and love. Happy birthday, Dana. Yeah.   Chloe Arnold: Hi, this is Chloe Arnold's. I want to wish the happiest birthday to my dear friend and sister Dana Wilson. I love you. I support you. I think you're absolutely brilliant on and off the dance floor and words that move me. Wow. Words that move me. Well, words that move you words that move us. Uh, things that I like to think about are to remember, to imagine it, to dream it, to work hard, to achieve it and to share it and then repeat. So I hope those words move you and I love you so much, sister, friend, and I can't wait to see you soon.   Tom Sachs: Hi, this is Tom Sachs, happy birthday. Um, it's been four years since we’ve met your, my first internet friend. You're the first person I met, um, through the device. And so I'll never forget, uh, that in our times in San Francisco, learning to backslide and an operate the table saw in the maker space. Um, have a great birthday continue, please, to be brave with your desire and never ever, ever give up. You're a leader. We all look to you for strength. So these tough times. Please stay focused. Love you.  Emma Portner: Hello. This is Emma Portner live from my bed. Some words that move me are, “if I'm not tt thank you for letting me know,” happy birthday, Dana, I love you so much. I'm the podcast biggest fan. And, uh, I've listened to it all over the world. And it's always brought me a sense of, um, familiarity at the same time as challenging me, which I really, really love. Um, and that's all I have to say right now, but happy birthday, Dayna,   Toni Basil: Happy birthday, Tony basil here. Keyed. My words don't stop. Oh, no. Don't stop. Or the rehearsal gods will never forgive you and you can't get them back. You cannot get them back to  Jermaine Spivey: *Sings with the voice of an angel* Dana: Wow I really don't want to make a sound after that beautiful birthday salute. Thank you Jermaine Spivey. How is it possible that you sound as sweet as you move. I don't get it! Maybe next year on my birthday I'll do my cover of your birthday song to me. Thank you so much Jermaine, and thank you everybody for your birthday wishes. Thank you so much movers and shakers that I look to for words to move me. And thank you all of you for listening, for being here with me in celebration of my 34th trip around the sun. You know what to do now, Keep it funky.

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