Episode Transcript
[00:00:00] Speaker A: Foreign.
Welcome to Words that Move Me. I'm Dana. I'm so glad you're here. Great episode for you. And why did it take me so long to have a dancer dietitian on the podcast? I've got a lot of thoughts and feelings about food, about diet, about restriction, about disordered eating, about when to be eating, along with what and how much. I mean, there's a lot of mystery out there. And my guest today, Sherry Lynn, is a demystifier and she's a funky dancer and I'm so grateful to have her on the pod. And she's a member of the Words that Move Me Community. Which reminds me, I've got a good win today.
So before we get to this conversation with Sheri, I'm going to share a win. Sydney Richardson is a Words that Move Me fan and Words that Move Me Community member. For years now, I watched her every enter the dance program at UCLA as a freshman. She is going to graduate this year and I saw her. She co produced a show last night at UCLA and performed and choreographed a piece and was absolutely heartbreakingly beautiful. I will cry just thinking about it. Sydney Richardson, seeing you do your thing and supporting you in doing your work is a huge win. I am president of your fan club. Well, I probably share presidency with your mom and with Riley Higgins and the rest of Widomcom who love and adore you, but you really showed them how it was done last night and I was inspired. I'm counting that. A win. Thank you, Sydney. And thank you Words that Move Me Community for existing. If you're interested in whatever the hell it is that I'm talking about. I run a coaching community called Widomcom, AKA the Words that Move Me Community. And Sydney is our MVP right now. I'm super stoked on you, Sid. Thank you for the invite and it's a pleasure to see your work and support you along your journey. All right, that's me. That's what's going well in my world. Take it away. What are you celebrating?
[00:02:20] Speaker B: Yay.
[00:02:22] Speaker A: Congratulations, my friend. I'm very glad that you're winning and I'm happy to be cheering you on. You and Sydney forever.
Okay, Sherry Lynn, our guest today is a dancer and dietitian. She has her nutrition degree and her master's in fine arts in dance. She founded her own company, Rhythm and Nutrition, which is a nutrition counseling program. One on ones and group seminars. She is so good at demystifying the bullshit, you guys. She's so good at it and she's funky too. So without Any further ado, this is the one and only Sherilyn.
That's gonna make more sense later. Okay, great.
The transition into it can be interesting because we've been filming for, what, like, two minutes? Okay, Sheri, welcome to the podcast. Thank you so much for being here.
[00:03:23] Speaker B: I'm so glad to be here.
[00:03:24] Speaker A: Long time coming.
[00:03:25] Speaker B: Yes. Well, long time, but more so just, like, excited to be hanging out and, like, talking with you guys in person, in human flesh. Yes.
[00:03:33] Speaker A: We've been orbiting each other's digital worlds for a while.
[00:03:38] Speaker B: Yeah.
[00:03:38] Speaker A: But you are. You're my first dietitian dancer on the podcast.
And as a person who is on a fitness journey right now, I am thrilled to have you and I'm excited to hear.
I mean, I know it's burned out, but the tips and tricks and tools and techniques, I'm a sucker for them. I love them, and mostly because I want as many as possible so that I can pick the ones that work for me. I know that there are billions, and especially when it comes to diet is so personal.
[00:04:11] Speaker B: Yes.
[00:04:12] Speaker A: So I want to hear all that there is so that I can refine and define what might work for me.
[00:04:17] Speaker B: Yes.
[00:04:17] Speaker A: And for you, listener, viewer, as well. So super excited to have your time and talent today.
[00:04:22] Speaker B: Thank you.
[00:04:23] Speaker A: Go ahead and introduce yourself. You know how this goes.
[00:04:26] Speaker B: Yes. So my name is Sherry Lynn. I am a registered dietitian and a dancer. I am from Chicago, Illinois. Yes. And I've been a dietitian for 13 years. And so I've done everywhere from clinical hospital, as a clinical dietitian, homeless intervention in the west side of Chicago, to going to grad school, working with the School of Music, Theater, and Dance at the University of Michigan.
[00:04:51] Speaker A: Cool.
[00:04:52] Speaker B: So getting to work with dancers and theater kids and opera singers and musicians. So really understanding as a performer myself, but also working with artists of all types. Right. Yeah.
[00:05:06] Speaker A: I guess my first question is, what do all of those different art types have in common when it comes to nutritional needs? And what makes us different? Like, what makes a dancer's needs different from an opera singer's needs? Please try again. And what makes those needs different from Siri's needs? Because she is so needy. Girl, give us some space.
[00:05:27] Speaker B: That happens to me everywhere I go.
[00:05:30] Speaker A: Because your name is Sherry, people think it's Siri.
[00:05:33] Speaker B: Well, Apple thinks it's Siri.
[00:05:35] Speaker A: Well, she's powered down now. And this one can't recognize my voice. I do. I just. In case. Good to have a backup. Okay.
[00:05:45] Speaker B: I will say similarities that I see among creatives and Artists in general are people who are highly ambitious and very dedicated to their craft and hence nutrition sometimes get put to the wayside.
[00:06:00] Speaker A: Right. Because we prioritize the work.
[00:06:02] Speaker B: Yes.
[00:06:02] Speaker A: We're deprioritizing something.
[00:06:04] Speaker B: Right. Sometimes that's diet and sometimes that's diet, and sometimes that's even just not remembering or forgetting to eat.
[00:06:12] Speaker A: Right. And so I've never had the forget to eat problem. I'm the opposite side.
[00:06:16] Speaker B: Right, right.
[00:06:16] Speaker A: I'm like, I need more energy. Yes.
[00:06:19] Speaker B: I mean, and so, so some people aren't. Whether it's. They know they need to and aren't prepared to do it, or like aren't packing enough things on the go or.
[00:06:27] Speaker A: Are reaching for something that might not be so beneficial.
[00:06:30] Speaker B: Right, right.
[00:06:30] Speaker A: What's convenient.
[00:06:32] Speaker B: Yes, exactly. And so that's something I see commonly among artists and creatives. Right. No matter what craft. And so a lot of is how do we figure out how to nourish their lifestyle and making sure they're consistently fueling their body so they can do what they do best.
[00:06:48] Speaker A: Right.
[00:06:48] Speaker B: And then for dancers specifically, I think there is a. We need to continue to have that mindset that dancers are athletes.
[00:06:57] Speaker A: We are.
[00:06:58] Speaker B: Our bodies are our physical instruments. And so the fuel needs for an athlete and a dancer is quite rigorous and quite high. And so that's a little different than perhaps an opera scene, which they use different muscles. But. But for larger muscle groups that we use as dancers, we do have a higher expenditure.
[00:07:20] Speaker A: It's like we're burning more, so we need more. Is that the only difference or. I'm sure there's quality as well as.
[00:07:27] Speaker B: Quantity involved, but yeah, quality, everyone needs a good quality nutrition. But quantity wise, because we're using larger muscle groups, including the glutes and quads and all that, we are utilizing more energy.
[00:07:40] Speaker A: This muscle group is looking good on me. I'm just saying. I'm like, wait, I started end of October. It's like four months into a more weight training focused journey. And today, let's see, I did three sets of 15 single leg deadlifts with 18 pounds in each hand.
[00:08:04] Speaker B: Wow. And at the end of it, I was like, wow, it's tight.
[00:08:09] Speaker A: He's getting tight back there. Friends, I am fully tooting my own horn right now. Back to you.
[00:08:14] Speaker B: That's okay. As you should. The fact that you did something consistently right for three, four months now, that's pretty awesome.
[00:08:22] Speaker A: It's pretty awesome. Consistency is key. I will say I am guilty as charged when it comes to diet ranking on my important list for Me, one of the stories I've had to undo for myself is this I'm a grazer attitude.
I think that thought has had me eating kind of small bites all throughout the day. So my blood sugar is constantly piking and peaking.
[00:08:53] Speaker B: Piking super.
[00:08:56] Speaker A: In that fitness life, even my blood sugar hikes.
My blood sugar is constantly peaking and then dropping and then peaking and then dropping. And I think what I found is that I was never getting to a fat burning state because I was just always putting new food in. So around 2018, I started working with a career coach and life coach, which had me paying all sorts of attention to my behavior, including what I was eating and when.
[00:09:27] Speaker B: Yeah.
[00:09:28] Speaker A: And why I was eating. Usually it was because. Not because I was actually hungry, but because I was thinking, I need energy. I'm a grazer.
Also, being a dancer, I don't like feeling full very often. So that perpetuated this story of small meals all the time.
[00:09:45] Speaker B: Right.
[00:09:45] Speaker A: But I don't like that anymore. I don't think that that serves me. So I'm curious if you could talk a little bit about not just the what we are eating, but the when and how much. What are your thoughts on that?
[00:09:58] Speaker B: Yeah, I mean, before I answer that, I am curious for you what switched for you that you didn't, that you no longer identify as a grazer.
[00:10:07] Speaker A: That I found huge success in a weight loss effort when I started intermittent fasting. So I didn't eat my first meal until like 11 or 12 and then I would be eating my last one at five or six. Maybe would have a coffee in between. But I was. I was pretty much two meals a day.
[00:10:26] Speaker B: Yeah.
[00:10:27] Speaker A: And super fat melt. Just really. Yeah, yeah. And I wasn't working out. I wasn't expending any more effort. So two meals a day was fine. I think with how active I am right now that that doesn't work. I've tried it. I've tried to repeat that result and it hasn't happened because I'm way more active right now. I get hungry all the time. But yeah, that's what it was is that I saw results. So I stuck with it. And I was like, oh, turns out I wasn't hungry, I was bored. Or I thought that I needed a break and food equaled a break. Now I have different ways to take a break, like rest my eyes on the couch with my dog or scroll mindlessly for five minutes. I didn't actually need a handful of almonds. I needed to sit down. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
[00:11:19] Speaker B: So a couple of Things with what I heard is that you're. It worked in what your goals were for that season in your life and you weren't as active and so your lifestyle is diff. Was different than perhaps before.
[00:11:33] Speaker A: Yes.
[00:11:33] Speaker B: Right. And so to answer the when I think it really does depend on lifestyle. Like what where you are in that season of life. Right. And so, so yeah, for, for a college. I work with college students a lot. Right. And college dancers and college dancers have some of the craziest schedules. Literally classes, dance classes, academic classes. And they are like back and then a rehearsal schedule. Shows at night.
[00:12:05] Speaker A: Yeah.
[00:12:06] Speaker B: Yes.
[00:12:06] Speaker A: So and then partying.
[00:12:08] Speaker B: Right. And then social schedules. Exactly. So like a college student, I would want them to have three meals and snacks. Three, four snacks in between.
[00:12:17] Speaker A: Okay.
[00:12:17] Speaker B: So like they need to be fueling.
[00:12:19] Speaker A: Throughout the day because the brain doesn't fog so that body doesn't.
[00:12:23] Speaker B: Right, right. They have 8:30 ballet. Like I went to grad school for dance at University of Michigan and I like taught non majors but I took classes with BFA students and just again, their schedules were crazy. And so yes, I want them to be pre fueling before their 8am ballet class. I want them to be eating throughout the day, snacking throughout the day. Now for someone who perhaps is an artist that isn't as active right now in the season. Right. Maybe they're engaged in other things. They could engage in something like intermittent fasting if they're in off season for body recomposition. And body recomposition really is talking about increasing muscle mass and losing body fat. Right. So there are methods to do that, but it's for a duration of time.
[00:13:16] Speaker A: Right.
[00:13:16] Speaker B: Rather than I'm going to do. Right, right. Like I'm going to do this forever. So it really does vary depending on the season. On the season, yeah.
[00:13:26] Speaker A: Okay. And how about your season that you're in right now? How do you operate?
[00:13:33] Speaker B: Yeah. Um, this month has been different than previous month as very much I'm living both a dietitian and dancer life. So.
[00:13:44] Speaker A: So how much time do you think you spend on the computer versus out there actively in your body?
[00:13:49] Speaker B: Oh Lord.
I'm 40 hours a week in nutrition.
[00:13:54] Speaker A: Wow.
[00:13:55] Speaker B: And then right now probably 10, 15, 20 hours.
[00:14:02] Speaker A: Okay.
[00:14:02] Speaker B: This month.
[00:14:03] Speaker A: Wow, wow, wow. Yeah. In moving your body.
[00:14:05] Speaker B: In moving.
[00:14:06] Speaker A: I'm very impressed. Okay, so 40 hours a week doing the business.
[00:14:12] Speaker B: Yeah.
[00:14:13] Speaker A: 20 hours a week doing the training, performing thing.
[00:14:15] Speaker B: Yeah.
[00:14:16] Speaker A: You wake up in the morning, eat immediately. What was the. I like. Tell me your schedule.
[00:14:25] Speaker B: First thing. I like to go on a walk with my dog, same. And then I'll make sure he eats and then I have a breakfast.
I try to make sure I have some protein, some carbs, some color if I can.
[00:14:39] Speaker A: Yes. Oh my God. I have found myself in kind of a tan yellow season. There are three varieties of potato chip in my pantry right now. Sherry, not proud, but we're back.
[00:14:50] Speaker B: Yeah, but we'll get back to that. Like color eating.
[00:14:55] Speaker A: Yeah, yeah, yeah. I live for it.
[00:14:57] Speaker B: And then I eat. Usually work. So I work 20 hours in my business and 20 hours I'm at Cal State LA. I'm their dietitian at their student health center.
[00:15:07] Speaker A: Oh my God. I didn't know that.
[00:15:08] Speaker B: Yeah. So that's only, that's been about almost a year coming up. And so I, I love, I love working with college students, but also the students at Cal State LA are like just phenomenal.
[00:15:18] Speaker A: Cool piece.
[00:15:18] Speaker B: Yeah. Good job.
[00:15:19] Speaker A: I didn't realize you were actually like on site at school doing the thing.
[00:15:23] Speaker B: So yeah, this is a kind of a newer gig, I guess, just this past year. And I love it. I wanted to find something. One thing I learned about me as an entrepreneur and business owner is I like the creativity and, and the fluidity and I still need that stability, an anchor.
[00:15:42] Speaker A: And something that happens all the time.
[00:15:44] Speaker B: No matter what that can. And so that allows me actually more room for creativity.
[00:15:49] Speaker A: Nice. So yeah, I feel similarly.
[00:15:51] Speaker B: Yes, yes. So, so I worked during the day, have my lunch break and I'll make sure to have a full meal. And then afternoon around 3 o'clock, I'll get the snackies, eat a snack. I try to balance my snack with a protein and a carb or color. And then I'll have dinner. Wait, actually. Yeah. And then I have practice either have dinner before wushu. I do train in martial arts wushu.
So I do that or dance and practice and then. Or rehearsal and then I do usually have a snack of some sort after I come back for post workout.
[00:16:31] Speaker A: Okay. When do you like last? Food goes in at like 8pm if.
[00:16:36] Speaker B: My rehearsal or training. Yeah. Comes and I come home. Yeah. Eight.
[00:16:41] Speaker A: That's the part I feel like I naturally. I like mornings. I not like, not like 5am Morning. I used to be a really early morning person. But unlike a lot of dancers and other art types, I'm not a late night person. Or at least I start, I start my wind down early. I might not go to sleep until 1, but my wind down is starting at 8pm like the sun goes down and she goes down. That's great. But I find myself, I still like, I prefer to have dinner around five.
[00:17:13] Speaker B: Yeah. Then that's great.
[00:17:14] Speaker A: Yeah, it feels good. And again, I think it's like everybody's going to be different. And what feels good for me is. Yeah, wouldn't feel good for somebody who has a 9:00 rehearsal or a 9:00 show.
[00:17:25] Speaker B: Right, exactly.
[00:17:26] Speaker A: But yeah, this is the season that I'm in right now.
[00:17:28] Speaker B: Yeah. And I would say if you asked me two months ago, before all this was happening, I would eat my dinner at 5 or 6 and not have that night snack because I wouldn't need it. And so, yeah, it really depends.
[00:17:41] Speaker A: Let's talk about needing and wanting Sherry.
[00:17:43] Speaker B: Okay, let's talk about it.
[00:17:46] Speaker A: One of the things that I really took away from working with a coach is identifying when my desire for food was avoiding a feeling or because of a feeling versus actual hunger.
[00:17:58] Speaker B: Yeah.
[00:17:59] Speaker A: When you're working with clients who are interested in weight loss or struggling with urges, how do you coach them through that self talk? What do you encourage?
[00:18:13] Speaker B: I encourage identifying where the hunger comes from. Exactly. What you did with your coach and the way I like to do that is actually helping them identify three ways. And I'll use my hand. Is a, Is it a stomach hunger? So like, like actually encouraging clients hand to belly. Is it a stomach?
[00:18:30] Speaker A: Is my hunger here?
[00:18:31] Speaker B: Yeah. Is it a heart hunger? Is there an emotional need that you're trying to meet?
[00:18:37] Speaker A: A soothing, a comfort?
[00:18:40] Speaker B: Is it, Is it, is it grief? Is it joy? Is it nostalgia? Is it a memory? Is it, what is it that you're wanting to experience?
[00:18:49] Speaker A: Boredom even fall here.
[00:18:51] Speaker B: Boredom can definitely fall here as well.
[00:18:53] Speaker A: In, in the, in the heart.
[00:18:55] Speaker B: Yeah.
[00:18:55] Speaker A: Hunger.
[00:18:56] Speaker B: And then I think I kind of put this similar like mouth or mental as in like some people just wants that simulation.
[00:19:03] Speaker A: Yeah.
[00:19:03] Speaker B: Texture, that taste. Yeah. So yeah. Like helping them first identify like what type of hunger is it and then practicing that connection with the like your physical body. So that's first thing awareness what type of hunger it is. Right. And for some people it's hard to identify that. And if we can sort through. Okay, if it's a emotional hunger, what is perhaps. Well, for. And asking the question, would food help in the short term and in the long term?
[00:19:31] Speaker A: Ah, I like these questions.
[00:19:33] Speaker B: Would food help in the short term? And most likely it would. Would it help in the long term? No. And sometimes food, it's okay.
[00:19:42] Speaker A: It's okay to short term it.
[00:19:43] Speaker B: Right.
[00:19:44] Speaker A: Yeah.
[00:19:44] Speaker B: Right. And now if that becomes, if food becomes a tool that you always Go to or only know how to use, then I'll help the clients in expanding their toolbox. Right. It's. I like to give this analogy of, like, pretend you have a toolbox and you need to put together IKEA furniture with a screwdriver.
[00:20:06] Speaker A: Yeah.
[00:20:07] Speaker B: Right.
[00:20:08] Speaker A: You.
[00:20:09] Speaker B: You need that very specific.
[00:20:10] Speaker A: Right.
[00:20:11] Speaker B: IKEA tool.
[00:20:12] Speaker A: Ikea only that wrench. Right.
[00:20:15] Speaker B: Now, if you're trying to use a hammer to put together that furniture, it's not going to work very effectively. Right, right. And that's what when we try to do, when we try to reach for food, for an emotion that we're trying.
[00:20:29] Speaker A: To meet, we're trying to hammer the wrench.
[00:20:32] Speaker B: Right. And so we start exploring, like, hey, what are other tools in your toolbox for perhaps that you already know that.
[00:20:39] Speaker A: We can utilize for processing feelings for self, care for the heart, hunger or other types of hunger.
[00:20:47] Speaker B: Yeah, yeah. So whether it's boredom or even loneliness, I think people have experienced that a lot coming out of the pandemic. So, hey, maybe initiating. Calling a friend, like texting somebody.
[00:20:57] Speaker A: Yes. Maybe I'm not hungry for a nut right now. Can I say that again?
[00:21:09] Speaker B: I love it.
[00:21:11] Speaker A: Maybe I'm not hungry for a nut. Maybe I need a friend or both together.
[00:21:17] Speaker B: Or maybe they're the same thing.
[00:21:20] Speaker A: Motherfucker.
To wait for the color to leave my face or. We're not cutting that. No. Okay, okay, okay. Yes. I love the idea of trying to fill the space of loneliness with stomach full. Like, I want to, like, fill my belly to feel full of heart.
[00:21:42] Speaker B: Yeah.
[00:21:43] Speaker A: And. Yeah. That's a. That's a hammer, not a wrench.
[00:21:46] Speaker B: A big one.
Is trying to feel safety.
And especially if I work again with clients of all different backgrounds and socioeconomic classes and traumatic experience, like, so many different things. And trying to feel safety, especially if someone struggles with food insecurity growing up. Right. Like, that is wanting safety and security.
[00:22:13] Speaker A: Totally.
[00:22:14] Speaker B: And sometimes that's expressed in food.
[00:22:16] Speaker A: Yeah.
[00:22:16] Speaker B: So a lot of different things. A lot of what I do as a nutrition. I do nutrition counseling. I feel like 80% of it ends up being counseling, counseling, counseling around our relationship with food and our bodies.
[00:22:29] Speaker A: Totally. So I am assuming, but I don't want to assume. Do the number of dancers you see.
Do you find more disordered eating in dancers versus, say, singers or actors?
[00:22:47] Speaker B: Oh, not necessarily just dancers. I think.
Entertainment. Anyone? Yeah. Performative.
[00:22:54] Speaker A: Anyone whose body is their instrument or.
[00:22:58] Speaker B: Yeah.
[00:22:59] Speaker A: You know, I. I have a few friends that really hate this, but I call it an art product. Like, whatever I make is an art. Product, sometimes it is a work of art, but when we're talking about my commercial work, it is for sale and it is to sell something.
[00:23:16] Speaker B: Right.
[00:23:16] Speaker A: And so I call it art product. And I think when our bodies are the art product and you're looking at it in a mirror.
[00:23:21] Speaker B: Yeah.
[00:23:21] Speaker A: Revising, reshaping.
[00:23:23] Speaker B: Right.
[00:23:24] Speaker A: Trying to make it as saleable as possible, then I can. That's why I assume that you might find that there. But I want to challenge my assumptions.
[00:23:32] Speaker B: Well, you know, there's not as much like research done among actors and comedians and all that, but. But for dancers, literally 40% collegiate athletes, aesthetic sports, so dance, gymnastics, swimming, wrestling. Have disordered eating behaviors. And 40%. 40%. I think some during pandemic is over to 50. Over 50%. Sure. So it was.
Yeah, it is a big challenge for many people. And because it's not talked about enough, like people kind of struggle with that internally.
[00:24:09] Speaker A: Let's talk about it. Sheri, how do you identify disordered eating?
[00:24:14] Speaker B: Yeah, I think disordered eating is. Can be a couple of things. So one, of course, there's physical implications. Right. If you start chronic fatigue, if your lab's values, like there's health implications that can be indicative of some disordered behaviors. Now, when someone engages in either restrictive behavior or even mentally struggle with like anxiety around food and it starts impacting their social health. Right. Their mental emotional health, I think that's when it becomes disordered.
[00:24:50] Speaker A: That makes sense.
[00:24:51] Speaker B: Yeah.
[00:24:52] Speaker A: And then what are next steps? If. If. I mean, probably finding a nutrition counselor would be a good next step, but what, what would you advise if somebody doesn't have access to you or somebody like you?
[00:25:04] Speaker B: Yeah, I think there are a lot of nice, like, resources and accounts now online that it talks about healthy relationship with food. And if there are accounts on like, on whether social media or different platforms that cause you to question yourself, to compare, to feel bad about you, I think that's when you have, like, someone can start thinking about, is this what's best for me?
[00:25:35] Speaker A: Yeah.
[00:25:36] Speaker B: Right.
[00:25:36] Speaker A: Yes.
[00:25:37] Speaker B: So, yeah. Finding resources online that is more holistic approach and encourages a healthier relationship with food and bodies rather than cutting food groups out or things like that. Yeah. So, yeah, I, I would encourage someone who might be struggling to talk to a coach or their therapist or a dietitian that's trained in helping people in eating disorders and disorder eating.
[00:26:04] Speaker A: I'm curious to hear what you have to say about this. I just did a solo podcast episode about grit versus grace and how when we're trying to change our behavior it seems like those can be the only two modes. Either I white knuckle grip it. I've got the inner dialogue of a critical coach who says, that's not good enough. Try again, get off your ass, blah, blah, blah. And it's rigid.
[00:26:27] Speaker B: Yeah.
[00:26:27] Speaker A: Versus the gentle voice that says, like, you know, it's the. It's the caretaker, it's the nurturer. And of course, we need a combination of both.
[00:26:37] Speaker B: Right.
[00:26:38] Speaker A: But if you're talking to a person who may have disordered eating behavior, what would you. What kind of sentences would you encourage them to be thinking?
[00:26:50] Speaker B: I guess one word to describe my approach would be an affirmative approach.
[00:26:54] Speaker A: Affirmative.
[00:26:55] Speaker B: Right. And so when we think of wanting to change a behavior, that militant drill sergeant is like, take this out. Stop eating chips. Right. Like, that's like a very common one. Like, just don't have cookies in your house.
[00:27:10] Speaker A: Yeah.
[00:27:10] Speaker B: Throw it all away.
[00:27:12] Speaker A: Which is risky.
[00:27:13] Speaker B: Which is risky because what ends up happening is just innate human nature, biological wiring that we have of when we mentally or physically restrict. There is a pendulum effect where the next time we see it, there's this like, gotta have it. Yeah, exactly.
[00:27:32] Speaker A: Or even don't think about chips. Like chips.
[00:27:35] Speaker B: Right, exactly. It's like telling a kid, don't touch that. And they want to touch. Yes, exactly. It's like innate.
[00:27:41] Speaker A: So, okay, so affirmative voice would say.
[00:27:44] Speaker B: Affirmative voice would say, hey, what can we add?
Right. What can we add? So that we let your brain know, hey, you can have the chips and you can have foods that nourishes your body. Right. So I would. Instead of saying, no chips to snacking, hey, can we add something to balance that out? So if chips is the carbs, what protein snack? Can we have some trail mix? Can we have some.
[00:28:09] Speaker A: I'm going to tell you right now.
[00:28:11] Speaker B: Can we add some other things?
[00:28:13] Speaker A: Greek yogurt.
[00:28:14] Speaker B: Perfect.
[00:28:15] Speaker A: Listen, Riley knows me deeply and we just shared. We just went to Utah for the week of the fires of, you know, evacuations and things. And we went grocery shopping once. We were only there for five days. And I eat kind of like a pregnant lady and. Or an elementary school kid. Like, not uncommon for a meal for me to be like slices of cucumber with sea salt, a handful of almonds, Hard boiled egg. Yep. Spoonful of peanut butter. Banana.
[00:28:52] Speaker B: Yeah.
[00:28:52] Speaker A: And that's dinner. Like, that's fine with me. I'm fine with that.
[00:28:55] Speaker B: Yeah.
[00:28:56] Speaker A: But we did have a snack once. Once. And I found.
Oh, one of my other snacks was Flamin Hot Cheetos and a hard Boiled egg, which on the plate is very funny to look at.
[00:29:06] Speaker B: Yes, exactly.
[00:29:08] Speaker A: Go with me here.
[00:29:09] Speaker B: Yes.
[00:29:10] Speaker A: Greek yogurt, handful of blueberries, crumbled up, cracked salt and cracked black pepper and salt. Crinkly kettle chips on top.
[00:29:20] Speaker B: Yes.
[00:29:20] Speaker A: It was delicious. Hysterical.
[00:29:23] Speaker B: Yes, I approve.
[00:29:26] Speaker A: Dietitian.
[00:29:27] Speaker B: Literally.
[00:29:28] Speaker A: But it's fat, it's salt, it's antioxidants from the blueberries.
[00:29:33] Speaker B: And you got Greek, you got your protein in there and probiotics.
[00:29:36] Speaker A: And I do think I put olive oil on there too.
[00:29:38] Speaker B: Okay.
[00:29:39] Speaker A: It was delicious. But it does look like a pregnant woman. Like somebody had really obscure craving. But that was it. But I had the chips and it was chips plus. And it was definitely nowhere near as many chips as I would have had.
[00:29:51] Speaker B: Exactly, exactly.
[00:29:53] Speaker A: The. All the other stuff.
[00:29:54] Speaker B: Exactly. And that's the affirmative approach.
[00:29:56] Speaker A: Got it.
[00:29:57] Speaker B: When we think about what nutrition can we add rather than just what we can take out. Right. Similar example, I have a class client who loves Takis. Hey, Takis.
Oh, Sam. Here comes the Takis.
This is my emergency.
This is sponsorship.
[00:30:21] Speaker A: Violence in stick form. Because they truly are. They're violent. But every time I go to the grocery store, I get this small party size bag and it will probably last me three weeks.
[00:30:31] Speaker B: Right.
[00:30:31] Speaker A: Because you can. I mean, I'm sure people can like talkie, but I can only like taquito.
[00:30:37] Speaker B: Like, you're a little bit right.
[00:30:40] Speaker A: Yeah.
[00:30:41] Speaker B: But like, for how we help, how I help this client move from like four bags of those to one or four of them is like, hey, what can we add? Right? So cucumbers and takis.
[00:30:55] Speaker A: Greek yogurt and Greek.
[00:30:57] Speaker B: Exactly.
[00:30:59] Speaker A: I am also criticized for being kind of cold and wet. Fine.
But that really is my world. Like avocado.
[00:31:09] Speaker B: Right, Right.
[00:31:10] Speaker A: Hard boiled egg yogurt. Like cold and wet. That's. Oof. It's great. Okay, so that's gorgeous.
[00:31:16] Speaker B: So. Yes.
[00:31:17] Speaker A: And you, you wind up achieving belly fullness.
[00:31:21] Speaker B: Yes.
[00:31:21] Speaker A: Oh, that is another thing, actually. During that time when I started working a coach for the first time, weight loss wasn't my primary focus, but it became one of them because I learned, like, oh, it's all how I'm thinking. Thinking and feeling. And that is what is leading to my behavior. And so much of my thinking was centered around food. As soon as I got my schedule for the day, my next thought was, when am I going to eat? Where am I going to eat? Am I going to be too? Am I going to be hungry? Am. And the chatter. The chatter. So one of the tools that became helpful in Clearing up some brain space was a hunger scale.
So on a scale of negative 5, negative 5 being like, I'm really hungry. I'm starting to get bitchy. I might see stars if I stand up too fast. I tried to never let myself get to negative five. Negative four is where I eat. Negative three is when I'm like, okay, I need to be wrapping up what I'm doing right now so that I can get to food or start preparing the food or whatever. And then on the hunger scale, oh, by the way, negative five, I explained negative four is like, my stomach is talking. You can hear it out loud.
My mouth starts to taste a little bit different. Like, that's negative four. I'm eating at negative four, and then I'm only eating two. Positive four, not positive five. Positive five is I have to undo my pants. We've all been there. Yes. Positive four. In my mind, the way I could clock it. Cause I've got this, like, dancer training is if I were on set and they called, okay, that's 30 minutes. Like, we're back on set in 30 minutes. I could dance.
[00:33:03] Speaker B: Yes.
[00:33:04] Speaker A: So I got really good that year at not overeating because I had this new way of measuring when I was actually hungry and when I was actually full. So my rule was, like, I was a pretty hard no on snacking. If I was not. Negative four, food did not go in. And if I was at positive four, that's when food stopped. And whether or not I had had my sweet thing, whether or not I had had, you know, finished whatever was on my plate, that's another thing. I come from a clean plate club house where we were trained to, like, finish our food.
[00:33:37] Speaker B: Right.
[00:33:37] Speaker A: And I had to rewire that as well. Like, it's either going to go in the trash can or it will be in the trash in my body. Like, my body doesn't need it anymore.
[00:33:47] Speaker B: Right, right, right.
[00:33:48] Speaker A: And that was hugely helpful thinking. Do you have any other tools for navigating hunger?
[00:33:54] Speaker B: Yeah, I mean, that is the tool hunger fullness scale that I use. I use from 10 to 0 to 10, but it's very similar. 0 is I'm hangry. I'm about to hit somebody.
[00:34:05] Speaker A: Yes.
[00:34:05] Speaker B: 10 is like, I'm soulful. I'm about to burst.
[00:34:08] Speaker A: Roll me down the stairs.
[00:34:09] Speaker B: Right. And so that helps with people identifying.
[00:34:14] Speaker A: To, like, name those values for yourself.
[00:34:16] Speaker B: For sure. For sure.
[00:34:16] Speaker A: And try to stay within. Like, I'm not getting past this. I'm not getting past that.
[00:34:20] Speaker B: Yeah.
[00:34:21] Speaker A: Okay.
[00:34:21] Speaker B: And. And also understanding, like, hey, there's it's not going to be perfect. Right. There are days where you forget to pack something. Right. And you're going to get there. We.
[00:34:31] Speaker A: We had one yesterday.
[00:34:32] Speaker B: Yesterday.
[00:34:33] Speaker A: Right.
[00:34:33] Speaker B: Or. Or there might be days where I'm like, I'm going to eat at a 10. I'm like, I'm intentionally going to a KBBQ. Yeah. I'm gonna enjoy.
[00:34:40] Speaker A: I'm gonna myself maximum full.
[00:34:43] Speaker B: Right. And so that awareness brings intentionality. But for some people, they have a hard time connecting with those physical cues.
[00:34:51] Speaker A: Yes.
[00:34:51] Speaker B: And for people who are specifically in the neurodivergent community or have struggled with some trauma and have hard time connecting with their bodies, that can be really hard.
[00:35:02] Speaker A: Totally.
[00:35:03] Speaker B: So that is a tool that I use for some people. But again, not everyone has access to that.
[00:35:09] Speaker A: Got that. Thank you for saying that.
[00:35:10] Speaker B: Yeah.
[00:35:11] Speaker A: I want to jump back to. Before we go forward, I have some very specific questions for you. I want to jump back to something that I've struggled with, which is mouth hungry and how I might break the cycle. I'm like a salty sweet. Salty sweet, salty sweet. And sometimes it can be hard for me to stop. The mouth feel, like wanting the mouth feel of salty and the mouth feel of sweet. What do you suggest for mouth hunger?
[00:35:41] Speaker B: That's tough.
[00:35:42] Speaker A: Yeah.
[00:35:44] Speaker B: I.
I always actually first have to ask, like, because you. Our digestive system starts when in the mouth. Right. When we think about food in that hunger scale, I'm curious for you, when that mouth sensation feels, because that's typically way before.
[00:36:03] Speaker A: And that's actually food hours before stomach does. Right.
[00:36:06] Speaker B: And. And I think that is, for me, the start of hunger cues. Got you.
[00:36:12] Speaker A: So when mouth wants food, we'll call that for me, like a negative two.
[00:36:16] Speaker B: Right. Does it feel that way? Yeah. Yeah. Because that, that. Because our digestion starts there, we release ghrenlin and these hormones that tell us, hey, we're starting to get hungry, and we start salivating first before even we feel in our stomach.
[00:36:32] Speaker A: Totally.
[00:36:33] Speaker B: So that lets me know. It's like, oh, your body's preparing to eat.
[00:36:39] Speaker A: The only success I've had so far in stopping that cycle is with foods themselves that feel like neutralizing. Like coffee. I'll do a decaf espresso or dark chocolate or black licorice. Those are flavors to me that are somehow neither and. Or both salty and sweet. So that I just kind of stop. But I. I wish I had a better grip on that.
[00:37:05] Speaker B: Those foods are all bitters.
[00:37:07] Speaker A: Yeah.
[00:37:08] Speaker B: Cocos, coffee. Yeah, Coffee. Those type of things. Yeah, yeah.
[00:37:13] Speaker A: That's what gets me to stop. That's like you. I always save my last bite to be one of those things.
[00:37:17] Speaker B: Oh, yeah. So.
[00:37:19] Speaker A: But it. That's a story that I started telling myself that I won't be done until I've had that thing. And I would love to be a person that just can, like, eat a salty thing and be done, but I don't know.
[00:37:30] Speaker B: That's the. Wait. Can I ask you a question?
[00:37:33] Speaker A: Please.
[00:37:34] Speaker B: Why. Why do you feel the need to stop it?
[00:37:36] Speaker A: To stop that cycle?
[00:37:37] Speaker B: Yeah. Or that mouth sensation?
[00:37:39] Speaker A: Oh, good question. Yeah. Just because I want to not be a human. I want to be a robot who can do whatever I put my mind to.
I think it leads to overeating.
[00:37:48] Speaker B: Gotcha.
[00:37:49] Speaker A: Yeah.
[00:37:50] Speaker B: Like starting eating too soon or continuing eating past.
[00:37:53] Speaker A: So let's say I've had. Let's say I've had my hot Cheetos and hard boiled egg, and I'm like, okay, I just, like, want, like, a date. I think a date would be really nice right now. It would.
Sorry. And so I have a date. And then I'm like, oh, you know what, though?
A salted almond would have gone really nice. I'm going to have some salted almonds, and then I have the salted almonds, and I'm like, oh, you know what? Just a slice of green apple, like, a sweet thing would be really nice. And now I'm definitely not hungry anymore. But it's a flavor check and balance, and it does stop. This doesn't last all day. I've definitely gotten better at this, but it's a habit that I've noticed.
[00:38:32] Speaker B: Have you. I'm going to take a.
I'm curious for you. It sounds like if you're. If you're choreographing something, like, hey, having it end.
[00:38:42] Speaker A: Yes.
[00:38:43] Speaker B: I wonder how. How do you and your.
[00:38:45] Speaker A: How do I know that choreography is done?
[00:38:47] Speaker B: Yeah.
[00:38:48] Speaker A: This is a great question. Thank you, Sherry. This is master nutrition counseling happening right now. How do I know it's done? It is also something I struggle with.
[00:38:56] Speaker B: Okay.
[00:38:57] Speaker A: I think all artists probably do, like, what's the final stroke? Is it that you do one more and you're like, God, right?
[00:39:03] Speaker B: Yes.
[00:39:04] Speaker A: Yes. When the music ends, I. I know the choreography is done but not complete.
I will be adding and subtracting moves. I will reorganize until I know the piece is done. When it goes on stage, I'm like, well, I can't do any more changes. That might be my answer. It's like, when it's time to perform it, I will be nitpicking and tweaking and slightly adjusting. If not the choreography itself, then my performance of it until I am on stage.
[00:39:39] Speaker B: Okay. Until. So all the way up to that point.
[00:39:42] Speaker A: So the performance phase. Yep.
[00:39:44] Speaker B: Okay.
[00:39:45] Speaker A: Yep.
[00:39:46] Speaker B: I'm. I don't know. Okay.
[00:39:48] Speaker A: Good luck. Yeah. Sorry.
[00:39:49] Speaker B: I'm curious.
[00:39:50] Speaker A: Uh huh.
[00:39:51] Speaker B: I'm gonna stretch it.
Let's stretch it.
If eating could correlate to a performance or something on stage where you're eating for or I don't know, where you're preparing.
[00:40:06] Speaker A: I think I've done this before. I kind of coached. Okay. This is like, it was a long time ago, but I did coach myself towards the show and needing to be show ready.
Yeah. I. I talked myself through my tour days where you would go to catering to eat dinner and people would socialize in there sometimes, but you eventually left catering. Like you didn't get to stay in catering and just eat through the show. You had to go do the show. So, yes. If I told myself instead of it's sweet time, now it's salty time, now it's sweet time again, I could tell myself it's showtime. Like, it's time to do the show now. And I think that would probably close that door.
[00:40:51] Speaker B: What does showtime in your current life look?
[00:40:53] Speaker A: Well, that's the problem. Most of my work happens at home. Like prep happens at home. The only thing that doesn't happen at home is shoot and rehearse.
And so.
Yeah. I think, I think a lot of people during COVID Yeah. When they were home all day long and the pantry is just right there.
[00:41:12] Speaker B: Yeah.
[00:41:12] Speaker A: Or like every time they pass it.
[00:41:14] Speaker B: Yeah.
[00:41:15] Speaker A: Like, would just grab a thing. I think I would need to actually. This is interesting. Turning off the lights in the kitchen helps. Just like this space is closed now. Stage is like catering is closed.
[00:41:26] Speaker B: Right. Yeah.
[00:41:28] Speaker A: So to answer your question, showtime here would look like maybe just the absence of catering.
[00:41:35] Speaker B: Okay.
[00:41:36] Speaker A: Anything that's not catering is the show. It's me putting my makeup on. It's me getting in the wardrobe. It's me warming up and then doing the show.
[00:41:44] Speaker B: Yeah. Creating your own showtime.
[00:41:46] Speaker A: Yeah.
[00:41:46] Speaker B: In this environment.
[00:41:48] Speaker A: Hugely helpful, my friend. Good. Hugely helpful. I hope it's helpful for you too. Even if you haven't been on tour or been blessed with having a catering room.
[00:41:58] Speaker B: Yeah. No, I mean, I think it's. It is like. And that this is another approach I like to think of, like an asset based approach. Right. Asset is lessons and qualities and strengths and knowledge. Wisdom you already have.
Maybe in A different area of your life. How can we apply that and bring that into food and nutrition?
[00:42:22] Speaker A: I might dress like a 7 year old, but I am 38. Gonna be 39 this year, which my sister claims is perimenopausal. I don't know if that's a number or like a thing, but she says she's perimenopausal. She's only three years older than me.
[00:42:41] Speaker B: Okay.
[00:42:42] Speaker A: It's like buckling up and getting ready. And that's why I'm lifting heavy shit.
[00:42:44] Speaker B: Good.
[00:42:45] Speaker A: And I'm wondering because I love your Instagram feed. I love how information first it is. Here are some foods that you can or could slash should be eating around your menstrual cycle. Here are some of the things you can avoid. Live for that. Some of them work for me, some of them don't work for me, but I love hearing about them, so I can try. Do you have any advice for women premenopause and or throughout the menstrual cycle that may or may not help the situation?
[00:43:17] Speaker B: Yeah. There is a specific need that women and people who have cycles have around nutrition especially. Are you familiar with the four phases? The. Okay, that's okay.
[00:43:31] Speaker A: Of course I am. But pretend like I'm not for the listener.
[00:43:35] Speaker B: That's okay.
Sorry, that's. I don't. I mean.
[00:43:40] Speaker A: No, no, no.
[00:43:41] Speaker B: I've never tried not to assume anything.
[00:43:43] Speaker A: No, it's good.
[00:43:43] Speaker B: It's good how I try, remember. Can I curse on.
[00:43:46] Speaker A: Okay, yes, absolutely.
[00:43:48] Speaker B: Ovulate less so M, F, O L. Okay, so menstruation phase. So when we're actually bleeding.
[00:43:58] Speaker A: Yes.
[00:43:59] Speaker B: Follicular phase.
[00:44:01] Speaker A: Follicular. The follicle. You forgot about the follicle.
[00:44:04] Speaker B: So that's after. Right?
[00:44:07] Speaker A: Motherfucker. Menstrual follicle.
[00:44:10] Speaker B: Menstrual follicle ovulation and then luteal phase.
[00:44:16] Speaker A: Never heard of it.
[00:44:17] Speaker B: Luteal phase. So luteal phase is when our body's actually getting ready to shed.
[00:44:22] Speaker A: Do you hear that? Motherfuckers without uteruses. Do you hear how often we are fucking around in here? Yeah, it's like I feel like truly five days of the month that I'm a normal, like not fucked with person.
[00:44:36] Speaker B: So of those two phases.
[00:44:38] Speaker A: I'm pissed.
Yeah, go ahead, Sherry. I'm all ears. I'm not hearing anything. Just rage.
[00:44:44] Speaker B: Rage.
[00:44:45] Speaker A: It's not fair.
[00:44:47] Speaker B: Yeah. Our bodies, we literally every month we make cells to shed cells. And so what people don't realize is we increase our metabolism by 10 to 15% during that luteal phase. Hence the cravings.
[00:45:03] Speaker A: Yes.
[00:45:05] Speaker B: It's actually a physiological, biological response. It's not just us being like emotional, mentally hungry.
[00:45:13] Speaker A: Yeah, yeah. Or like. Or it's not heart hunger.
[00:45:16] Speaker B: Yeah.
[00:45:16] Speaker A: It's an actual chemical response to the fact that we're burning more.
[00:45:19] Speaker B: Yeah.
[00:45:19] Speaker A: So our brain's like, you need more.
[00:45:20] Speaker B: Yeah.
[00:45:20] Speaker A: You should crave food right now.
[00:45:22] Speaker B: Yes. It's a physical.
[00:45:23] Speaker A: You should crave Takis right now.
[00:45:25] Speaker B: Yeah. So. So during that phase we do get more cravings.
[00:45:28] Speaker A: Yeah.
[00:45:29] Speaker B: And it's important to try to. For some people, they might crave more meat. Right. Some or just some irons. Particularly foods that higher in iron are particularly red meats, seafood like oysters. If non vegetarian. Vegetarian iron sources could be like black beans, lentils, different type of things. Broccoli has some.
[00:45:52] Speaker A: I was going to say, but not.
[00:45:55] Speaker B: The most iron has. I mean spinach has a little more.
[00:45:58] Speaker A: Oh, good. Yeah.
[00:46:00] Speaker B: So yeah, so there, there are some things and then getting more complex carbs in there. So like sweet potato, potato. Like some starchy, like starchy stuff but more complex would be helpful.
[00:46:12] Speaker A: Okay.
[00:46:13] Speaker B: In. In fueling your body as well. So just normalizing that we need more food I think is really important.
[00:46:20] Speaker A: Yeah.
[00:46:21] Speaker B: Okay.
[00:46:21] Speaker A: Versus like resisting the craving. Resisting the craving. Yeah.
[00:46:25] Speaker B: Yeah.
[00:46:26] Speaker A: Okay, so that's the luteal. What about while you're flowing?
[00:46:30] Speaker B: Yeah. So for like. So after menstruation, after shedding. Right. And that's just like take care of your comfort foods.
[00:46:36] Speaker A: Like lots of fluids.
[00:46:38] Speaker B: Yeah. I mean maybe for not, not with cold and wet. You like cold and wet. But. Well, during that shedding phase.
[00:46:47] Speaker A: Right.
[00:46:47] Speaker B: The, the, the mother. The.
[00:46:49] Speaker A: Yeah.
[00:46:50] Speaker B: Menstruation phase. Right. High quality fats. Salmon.
[00:46:54] Speaker A: Right.
[00:46:54] Speaker B: Warm foods. Avocado. Yes, those can be very helpful.
[00:46:59] Speaker A: Okay.
[00:46:59] Speaker B: Hot chocolate. Hot chocolate. Me. That's me.
But, but dark chocolate. Right. With the anti inflammatory things that, that, those are all really helpful.
[00:47:09] Speaker A: Okay, cool. Good.
[00:47:10] Speaker B: Check and check, check and then follicular and ovulation. That's actually when you have the peak energy.
[00:47:17] Speaker A: Nice. Okay.
[00:47:18] Speaker B: Yeah.
[00:47:19] Speaker A: You're starting new projects. Yeah, exactly. Oh yeah.
[00:47:23] Speaker B: So. So that's when you can. Yeah. Just like get in the greens and fibers and berries and like things that give you just like ready to go sometimes when you can like sustain more weights and just like. Yeah. More mental clarity.
[00:47:39] Speaker A: N.
Where do you stand on supplements? Am I just pissing? Literally pissing away my money? Are there some that you think are worth it?
What do you think about supplements?
[00:47:58] Speaker B: I do think there are some that are worth it. The best way to know is you got to get your labs checked first and foremost. Right. Let's talk about back to calcium.
[00:48:06] Speaker A: Yeah.
[00:48:06] Speaker B: In order to absorb calcium, we need vitamin D. In order to absorb vitamin D, we need. Which is a fat soluble vitamin, we need to eat fats with it.
[00:48:16] Speaker A: Okay.
[00:48:17] Speaker B: Okay. So it's like there's things about these vitamins and minerals that work together so our bodies can actually absorb it well. So if you are low on vitamin D, which a lot of people in the US are, the only way you know is getting your blood worked. Right. And then. So a lot of people do need a supplement of vitamin D if. Since they're not. Right. Yeah, I was. Me too.
[00:48:36] Speaker A: Yep.
[00:48:36] Speaker B: So. So again, you can't even absorb calcium without that. Right.
[00:48:41] Speaker A: So you could be helpful. Lift weights and pop calcium supplements all day and not. And still lose bone density.
[00:48:48] Speaker B: Yes, yes. So supplements can have a place. I do think that there it's important to get food first because again, the bioavailability, which just means the ability for our body to absorb and utilize nutrients from a supplement. We actually don't use as much of it.
[00:49:04] Speaker A: Right.
[00:49:05] Speaker B: We don't absorb majority of it. Not.
It's. It's hard to say how much we get. We absorb. There's studies that says 30 to 50%. Right. And that's why you see those multivitamins, there's such high doses.
[00:49:16] Speaker A: Yeah.
[00:49:17] Speaker B: We're not actually absorbing all of that.
[00:49:19] Speaker A: Right.
[00:49:19] Speaker B: So the question of, are we pissing things out? Possibly. But are there certain supplements that I think can be really helpful for different purposes? Yes.
[00:49:28] Speaker A: Okay.
[00:49:29] Speaker B: Okay. So if you're low on iron and you need iron supplements, they taste, they look, they're like horse pills. But if you're not getting enough, it might be helpful to supplement on that for a duration of time.
[00:49:39] Speaker A: Yeah. Okay. Sherry, what do you take? What, what supplements? What are you, what pills are you popping?
[00:49:45] Speaker B: I'm gonna go interview what pills I'm popping. Okay. The three that I, if, if someone had to take three. Yeah, Right. The top three that I think a lot of people need and can be helpful for a lot of different, different reasons. Vitamin D being one of the top ones that people are short on. Omega 3. Yep. Is helpful for joints, knees, injury prevention and recovery. It's just helpful. A lot of people aren't getting enough fission.
It has a lot of anti inflammatory factors. If people have neurological things going on, you need a high dose of omega 3. So that being a very common one that's well researched and beneficial for a lot of different things.
[00:50:29] Speaker A: Okay.
[00:50:30] Speaker B: The third one can be a little different.
If I had to say two, those would be top two. I do take a multivitamin, especially when I'm traveling or when I'm busy. I'm around a lot of people I don't want to get. Yeah. Immunity reasons so that I'll take on occasion. But really those are the two I take and then multivitamin.
[00:50:48] Speaker A: What's the multivitamin that you take?
[00:50:50] Speaker B: Metagenics.
[00:50:51] Speaker A: Okay.
[00:50:51] Speaker B: I don't think it's a phyto.
Multivitamin. It's a brand that I like. So with supplements the key thing is I always encourage. Actually I highly encourage third party tested only because the supplement industry is not regulated.
[00:51:08] Speaker A: That crazy.
[00:51:09] Speaker B: Like they literally can put anything they want and so they voluntarily get third party tested and they're usually, usually know if it's. There's only a couple of companies in the U.S. that does that. If it's USP, NSF, NSF or Informed Choice. Those are some of the popular ones. Will have a little label.
[00:51:29] Speaker A: Nice.
[00:51:29] Speaker B: Yeah.
[00:51:30] Speaker A: Okay. That is super helpful. I've at least once a year go to Costco, wind up in the supplements and I'm like, I should really, this is my year. I'm going to commit. And then I look at the price on them and I'm like, you know, I'm never going to take them. I'm just gonna not.
[00:51:48] Speaker B: Yeah.
[00:51:48] Speaker A: But I, I know that there is value, especially the Omega 3s because I've. I've been consistent enough with that once or twice in my life to notice less pain, less inflammation, specifically.
[00:52:01] Speaker B: Yeah.
[00:52:01] Speaker A: I have patellar tendonitis in both legs.
[00:52:03] Speaker B: Yeah.
[00:52:03] Speaker A: And I, I really felt it less. I felt less pain when I was eating. Doing, eating that when I was taking Omega 3s consistently.
[00:52:13] Speaker B: Yeah.
[00:52:13] Speaker A: But it does require that consistency. It's not like ibuprofen where you're gonna take it and feel difference.
[00:52:18] Speaker B: Yeah.
[00:52:19] Speaker A: So requires some discipline. But we're disciplined people. We can handle it.
[00:52:23] Speaker B: Yeah. And sometimes there's seasons for it, Right?
[00:52:26] Speaker A: Totally. Yes.
Okay, you ready for rapid fire burnout round?
[00:52:29] Speaker B: Oh, we're here. Yes.
[00:52:30] Speaker A: Yes. Okay. Cherry coffee or tea?
[00:52:33] Speaker B: Tea.
[00:52:33] Speaker A: Ooh, that was really fast. You didn't even see.
[00:52:36] Speaker B: I do both.
[00:52:36] Speaker A: But, but tea is top.
[00:52:38] Speaker B: Okay.
[00:52:39] Speaker A: Nice.
[00:52:39] Speaker B: I grew up half my childhood in Taiwan and so I got access to some really good tea.
[00:52:44] Speaker A: Do you feel the tea void here in America?
[00:52:47] Speaker B: Yeah. But I just went back recently and got like four bags. Oh my gosh.
[00:52:51] Speaker A: Oh, you guys need to be friends.
[00:52:53] Speaker B: Shout out, Sun Moon Lake black tea. That's my mom's hometown. And then Taiwan does really good green and oolong as well. Yes, for sure. Yeah.
[00:53:02] Speaker A: Okay, good. So glad I asked that. First wrist roll with it. Dogs or cats? She's sleeping. She can't hear you. Dogs for sure.
Okay, favorite snack?
Like, right now, you get one snack. Go.
[00:53:16] Speaker B: Oh, mangoes.
[00:53:17] Speaker A: Just mango by itself when you put tahin on it.
[00:53:21] Speaker B: Mango sticky rice. That's what I want right now.
[00:53:24] Speaker A: This is the affirmative choice. It's not mango, it's mango plus.
[00:53:29] Speaker B: Yes.
[00:53:29] Speaker A: Sticky rice.
Favorite food myth to debunk. What do you love telling people? Like, you know that's not true.
[00:53:37] Speaker B: That the myth is carbs are bad.
[00:53:42] Speaker A: Carbs are essential. It's literally what we're built out.
[00:53:44] Speaker B: Yes. Yes.
[00:53:44] Speaker A: Great job. Okay, if you were a superhero, what would your superpower be by choice? Like, what would you choose?
[00:53:51] Speaker B: I. I would love to just, like, be able to just share a meal with anyone. So, like, ability to just like, hey, what do you want? Boom, there.
Like, I love.
[00:54:01] Speaker A: I would definitely want you in my universe, for sure.
[00:54:05] Speaker B: Yeah.
[00:54:05] Speaker A: Although I'm probably not much fun. Just like, could you give me a cucumber and spoonful of peanut butter, please?
Okay. What is your actual superpower?
[00:54:18] Speaker B: Kindness.
[00:54:20] Speaker A: I would have to agree with that.
[00:54:21] Speaker B: Thank you.
[00:54:22] Speaker A: Okay. Person you could collaborate with. Alive, Dead. Dancer. Non. Dancer. A. A collaborator.
[00:54:29] Speaker B: My grandpa.
[00:54:30] Speaker A: Yep, there it is.
[00:54:32] Speaker B: He's an artist.
[00:54:33] Speaker A: Yeah.
[00:54:34] Speaker B: Yeah.
[00:54:34] Speaker A: Like a fine artist. He.
[00:54:37] Speaker B: He does bottle art. He has.
[00:54:39] Speaker A: We.
[00:54:39] Speaker B: We have a gallery in Taiwan for him of all his bottled artwork.
[00:54:43] Speaker A: Can you share me a link? We can share it with people. That is remarkable.
[00:54:48] Speaker B: Yeah.
[00:54:48] Speaker A: So tiny. Tiny little things in a bottle inside. Tiny little bottles.
[00:54:51] Speaker B: Yeah. Coming from the top and just going. Gluing things together.
And his patience. He was. He started that in his 80s after my grandma had a stroke. And so in taking care of her, he had a lot of time just to create stuff. So he did that. I mean, before that, he built boats.
Yeah. He's just like a renaissance man, a.
[00:55:16] Speaker A: Making kind of person.
[00:55:18] Speaker B: Yeah. And his story is amazing too. He. He was captured to fight in on the side of the Japanese during World War II. He escaped and they lost and had to figure out his way in the jungle and come back home, you know?
Like, wow.
[00:55:35] Speaker A: Yes. Please stop.
[00:55:38] Speaker B: Yeah, he, like, stopped going to school in third grade and just, like, learned everything on his own, like. Yeah. Yeah.
[00:55:45] Speaker A: Okay. Spin off podcast for all of our grandparents stories.
[00:55:48] Speaker B: Yeah.
[00:55:49] Speaker A: For real. I think it's super important.
What about a favorite Dance move and least favorite dance move.
[00:55:55] Speaker B: Okay. It's my favorite and least favorite, but I do it because I think it's, like, funny and silly. I just like finger pointing, like, finger points. I love. I love them.
[00:56:06] Speaker A: Yes.
[00:56:07] Speaker B: And I hate them when other people do it, but I love doing it because.
[00:56:11] Speaker A: Wow, we love contradiction around here. We really do, actually.
[00:56:17] Speaker B: I love doing it.
[00:56:20] Speaker A: Was it Byron or Samo that said any move can be done in a funky way? Like, even. Even a kind of whack move by the right person can be funky. So maybe you have the. Maybe you own the finger point.
Okay, final rapid fire question, Sherry, because this is the Words that Move Me podcast.
[00:56:39] Speaker B: Yes.
[00:56:40] Speaker A: Is there a guiding principle or a poem or a mantra? What are the words that move you?
[00:56:47] Speaker B: The single word that's been moving me recently is the word community.
[00:56:52] Speaker A: Yeah.
[00:56:53] Speaker B: So it's not a mantra or phrase.
[00:56:56] Speaker A: But that word, like, also looks good in writing.
[00:57:01] Speaker B: Yes.
[00:57:01] Speaker A: Community is one of my favorite words.
[00:57:04] Speaker B: Yeah.
[00:57:05] Speaker A: Well, thank you for showing up and supporting this one. I really, I. Again, I hope people go visit you and learn more about you. The way you've arranged your feed with information forward kind of demystifies this very mystical world of do's and don'ts around food, specifically for dancers. And because you are an embodied practitioner, you know what it feels like.
[00:57:31] Speaker B: Yeah.
[00:57:32] Speaker A: And so I'm so grateful to have you shocked that it took this long. And thank you for your patience. Thank you so much for being here. I really appreciate it.
[00:57:40] Speaker B: Thank you for having me. It's been a pleasure.
[00:57:41] Speaker A: Yeah. Yay. All right, friends, go get out there into the world like, and subscribe the podcast, share it, go find Sheri, and of course, keep it very funky.
This podcast was produced by me with the help of many. Big, big love to our executive assistant and editor, Riley Higgins. Our communications manager is Fiona Small, with additional support from Ori Vajadares. Our music is by Max Winnie, logo and brand design by Bri Reitz. And if you're digging the podcast, leave a review and rating and please share. Also, if you want to connect with me and the many marvelous members of the Words that Move Me community, visit words that move me.com if you're simply curious to know more about me and the work that I do outside of this podcast, visit thedanawilson.com.