Latest Episodes
184. Decades Plus with Marty Kudelka
We couldn’t start the season off stronger than with long-time frientor (friend + mentor) and choreographer extraordinaire Marty Kudelka. I’ve been learning from Marty...
183. We’re Back!
Hello, and welcome BACK to Words That Move Me! We’ve been on “break” and working to create a video component for the podcast! Why?...
182. Impostor Syndrome and Its Cure
What if we reversed the stigma around #ImpostorSyndrome (aka #ImpostorPhenomenon aka #Impostorism )? What if you could use it as a tool, not a...
181. Cover Model, Broadway Babe, Singer/ Songwriter and Future Star of the Screen: Kolton Krouse!
When we met, Kolton Krouse was a mini (that’s convention speak for 7-10 years old). They were bopping and twirling and generally defying gravity...
180. The History of Dance in L.A. with Emily Wanserski
This week on the podcast, the incredible Emily Wanserski (@wanswonders), cultural practitioner, producer, consultant, cultural doula, and so much more, joins me to give...
179. Taylor Wilson Can Sell Anything from Shampoo to Million Dollar Homes… Oh, and He Can DANCE!
This week on the pod, we have one of Denver’s Top 40 Real Estate Agents, one of Los Angeles’s sharpest bald man shampoo salesmen,...