104. Wrapping the Gift that is WTMM Season 2 with Riley Higgins

December 22, 2021 00:45:28
104. Wrapping the Gift that is WTMM Season 2 with Riley Higgins
Words That Move Me with Dana Wilson
104. Wrapping the Gift that is WTMM Season 2 with Riley Higgins

Dec 22 2021 | 00:45:28


Show Notes

This episode- a year in review- was so fun to make, it will become a WTMM tradition for sure!  Today, I’m joined by my executive assistant and podcast editor, Riley Higgins (who takes great notes), and we recap being moved by this podcast for all of 2021.   Get all the BTS and best bits of Season 2 AND a hint of what’s to come in Season 3!!!

Show Notes:

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Episode Transcript

Intro: This is words that move me, the podcast where movers and shakers, like you get the information and inspiration. You need to navigate your creative career with clarity and confidence. I am your host master mover, Dana Wilson. And if you're someone that loves to learn, laugh and is looking to rewrite the starving artist story, then sit tight, but don't stop moving because you're in the right place. Dana: Welcome to the podcast Riley:Well, thank you for having me in the podcast as well. Dana:Oh, I was welcoming everyone. Very welcome. So you're definitely welcome. Hey everyone, you are joining me and Riley Higgins the first plus one to the podcast booth ever, which is very exciting. How does that feel for you? Riley: It feels tight and lumpy and dark, but bright at the same time. Yes, it is. All of those things. We are all about high dynamic range, high contrasting qualities here, at words that move me, um, y'all are joining us for a hundred and fourth episode. This is our second to last episode of 2021. And it's special. It's special because Riley Higgins is so special. Um, and I'm really excited to have you standing opposite me. I can't see your face because there are two pop filters in the way, but, um, you know how the episode goes, we're going to start with wins. Um, I'll go first. Then you'll go, then they'll go. And then we'll get into this conversation that is all about you and me and this hundred and three episodes up to this point that, uh, that have have happened. Yes, Yes, they have definitely happened. And they happened to because us and they happened to because of determination and excitement and enthusiasm, but mostly determination and sometimes sheer force, but we'll get to it. Um, okay. I think my win that I'm celebrating today is that I had a very heavy lifting morning of making. Um, I was asked to go choreograph, a few pieces for the dancing, with the stars tour. Um, Marty Kudelka and Pam Chu are co-directing this tour and it's going to be amazing. Um, and they asked me to kind of be a pinch hitter and come in in CrunchTime and set a couple numbers. So five hours, two numbers. My head is still from that, but I must say that group of dancers is so exquisitely talented to receive that amount of information in such a short time. And really I was painting with quite broad strokes. Um, I got to work with many, many of the cast members, but specific shouts out shout-outs shout-outs shout-outs shout-outs to Glenn and Emma for, uh, really rolling with me today and taking initiative in making exquisite stuff. This is me patting on my back before it, before it happens, uh, pre celebrating pre winning pre winning actually, um, the thing I'm celebrating is the creative process and that it did not let, um, the clock hurt me, that the clock helped me. It was really nice to have like hard out times, like must be done by two. And when you must be done by two, you're done by two and that's just how it went. Um, so I'm celebrating my new friends and a fabulous day of making under pressure. What you got Higgins? I must say mine is a pre win as well. And I think it's going to be this little conversation. Um, I'm just, it's crazy that like in March of 2020, this thing I got joined into this thing, and then now I'm standing in a tiny podcast booth talking to a very bright pop filter, which has fantastic. It is it's true. Riley's pop filter has led tape all over it. Um, so it is both a ring light and a pop filter. Do don't you dare anyone listening? Try to come for that patent because I did it first. Yes. Patent pending. Yes. Very important ring light pop filter, lookout podcasters, everywhere. You heard it. And she saw it here first. Yes, yes, yes, yes. Um, well, I'm celebrating that with you. This is really exciting. Now. I feel bad that this wasn't also my words. It will be, it will be my win in episode 1 0 5. Great. Look out. Fabulous. I love this when Riley and I am also celebrating it with you. I'm celebrating it with you face to face and that's pretty sweet. What is celebrate? Uh, all right. Listener person, friend. Now you go, what's going well in your world. Say it it's important. I think it's important that you say out loud Riley, when you edit these episodes, do you do wins? Do you say Wins? Absolutely. And it's great because I have to listen to it so many times. So I get to keep winning. You're such a winner. All right. Y'all hit me. What you got. All right. Y'all congratulations. I'm so glad that you're winning. It's a good time to be winning. And I would like to add this time of year. End of year, holiday season can be super tough for so many people. So as you're winning, remember that somebody else might not be feeling like a winner today. So be kind out there, be gentle this holiday season, definitely keep winning, but I'm like, you don't need to like rub it in everyone's face. Um, and also this idea of zero sum game. I think that just because you're winning doesn't mean anyone else has to be losing. I think we can all win. What is that saying? One matches. Light does not, or one matches. Flame does not take away from the light of another. So we can all be lit. This holiday season keeps shining bright out there. Everybody keep winning, stay lit. All right, let's do this Riley Higgins. You know how, how it goes because you've edited. How many episodes now? Oh, I think I started around the fourties thirties, Thirties, thirties, and we kind of shared some at that point. I'm not doing most of them now except for the occasional solo episode. Um, so that's a lot of losses. So you know how this goes, go ahead, hit us with everything you want us to know about you. Fabulous. Hello podcast listeners. I am Riley Higgins. Uh, I am the executive assistant and editor of the podcast and all its accompanying programs and things. I am also a movement lover and a creative editor outside of this podcast. And I also, I think it's really important. This is probably the most important is that I love pugs with all of my heart. And I think that is what everyone needs to know the most. Wow. Pug lover, big pug lover here. Yes. Yes. Um, I can attest and confirm all of those statements and I'm so excited you're here. So you are here with me today to kind of recap on our second season. And by the way, our seasons are just, yours are second year and second season of the podcast. And holy heck, as I was kind of like preparing for this and writing things out, we've done talked about a lot of things with a lot of people and I'm excited to kind of like decompress. You said something earlier that caught my attention. You said, I feel like a lot of people kind of stop their clock at COVID. Yup. And like life kind of screeched to a halt and we were all expecting, okay, we'll be out of this soon, 20, 21, like kind of quote unquote, back to normal. Um, but only it didn't go back to normal. We're still even still like, as we're recording this in different phases of lockdowns in different places, but we didn't like ever reset the clock. And so we kind of pause. It's almost like 20, 21 was the year that didn't happen. Definitely a thought, but so much has happened. You edited a bazillion D episodes. I got to talk to some of my biggest inspirations and, and dearest friends. Nina McNeely stands out as being like, Ooh, legendary moment. Um, also Karine Plantadit to date. Y'all brought me to my knees in episode 79. Um, actually she and I stayed on after we finished recording and she read me like a children's book. I th I was sobbing. You were there for that, right? No. Cause you guys did that as an Instagram live. Oh my didn't. But didn't we do a podcast after the fact. No, you did do an Instagram live and we took the audio from that live and that was the episode. So I watched it live. Oh, like sit behind the camera. Oh, oh, here's the thing. We had two things running at the same time. I did have the phone, but we were also in Riverside or zoom at the time. I don't remember at some point something. Okay. So yeah. Um, that was intense. Uh, big love on that. Oh, another one kind of blasts from the past, for me, my hometown friend, Eric Mori in episode 70, she was just nominated for an award in the games industry. She, she plays the lead character in Life is strange. Life is strange Riley Higgins, everyone. Um, and yeah, she was just in a way to be honored, like walked her first red carpet. Very cool. Definitely check out that episode. Um, oh, some, some returning favorites, Kat burns was back in episode 64. Dominique Kelly was back in episode 61 and was joined by Eartha Robinson and Will Simmons a big wheel. And I loved that so much. I mean, one of my best friends of all time, Ava Bernstein, who for the record has a photo hanging here in the podcast because I talked to her a lot. Um, she and Terry Santiel percussionist from the tours that I did with JT, they were on an episode 60. I gotto talk to Galen hooks, who I haven't spoken to. And by that point, many, many moons, Matty peacock was this season as well. Um, we, let me see what else? Oh, we started off this year or this season with an episode with a special guest Rebecca Wrangler, who was our first listener to begin doing daily, this, this creative challenge that I pose in episode one of this podcast. Um, she took on the creative challenge of making a daily video every day. She's the first person that crossed the 365 day mark. And I am so proud to announce that as of the recording of this episode, she is now joined by Courtney Darlington, Kristin Rowa, um, Oriana, Valla Durez. And I'm already, if I'm pronouncing that wrong girl, we're going to have a, you'll be my next podcast. Guests coaching me on your name. Rachel Gayle Tan, Sarah Gonzalez and Sarah Haines. And the one and only Alyssa Dinka who has now passed 500 days of doing, oh my God. No big deal. Wow. Um, so I think it's cool that the season started with, there was one and now there are more than 10 and several right on the heels of that. So I think in the next couple months, I'll have like four or five more daily doers who have passed the 365. Wow. I think that's cool. So, uh, yeah. Safe to say we've covered a lot this year. Um, what stands out to you, Riley? I'm sure. You've, I mean, you've obviously taken good notes because you take great notes. Very expensive notes. Yes. Yeah. But I'm so curious. What, what stands out the most? Wow. What a group of humans that you just named like guests and people who crossed the 365 mark also so happy to actually know these humans in wisdom, common, get to experience time with them and see what's going on in their lives daily, not just through this project, but through coaching and everything with them Well If this is your first episode with us, you're joining us. I'm kind of an, an avant-garde episode. WTMMCOMM is our acronym for, it's not an acronym actually. So abbreviated pet name, for words that move me community. The WTMMCOMM is a group of people who have assembled. It's an assemblage of movers and shakers that the podcast has brought together. And, uh, we, we coach we focus on careers. We share daily creative prompts, Playlist's inspiration news. We have a class dispatch. So we're all in the know about who's teaching where, um, and in, in certain tiers of membership I have for coaching and y'all, it is, it is an unzipped raw and real place to begin to know people. And it's very special. So I'm glad that you, that you mentioned that because it is cool. Like I've gone from not knowing any of these people to watching their lives daily. That sounds so creepy. I'm just going to backtrack. That sounds terrifying. Um, but I, you know, I see their works and, and in that you learn their taste, you learn their interests, you learn their quirks and humor. And, um, and then coaching on top of that is like, I'm not just learning the person you are now. I'm learning about who you want to become. And that is, I mean, I just, I get chills just thinking about it. Oh yeah. Super cool. Um, so other, other than the WTMMCOMM what stands out for you? Oh, so many. I mean, I am still really like processing Hok’s episode and just the brilliance of the way he talks. And also just like, I've been a big fan of the work that he makes. So to hear the kind of process behind it is incredible. Another one that stands out anytime I need to laugh really hard. I listened to the end of Tyce’s Episode, just the last 10 minutes makes me laugh. So you know what we're going to have to do now, right. Oh, oh. Um, I never mind I take it back. I don’t like that episode That right now. So in Tyce’s episode, I bring up a game that we played on set of in the Heights. Oh, which duh, huge mega outstanding moment for the podcast this year was having the entire choreo team from in the Heights. Join me for a podcast episode. We really tried to have that happen in person y'all, those, those schedules are tough to coordinate. Um, but that episode, um, number 78 was hugely important to me emotionally to celebrate with them, to have kind of a sense of closure. Uh, we did the episode shortly after the movie premiered and, you know, the, the film was supposed to premiere in theaters the year, the summer before. Yeah. So we had this kind of extended anticipation and it was so cool to have that kind of distance to look back at it on and celebrate from a place of, you know, like super zoomed out, but also really emotionally affected by its release. And people's, uh, how, how people were receiving it. So, yeah, that was mega. Yep. Um, okay. But the episode right before that was tastes, so, uh, tastes was 77. And we talked about this game that we played onset and I still play on every set. I try anyways on every set where you're allowed to be laughing hysterically, close to people, close to people and loud, which is not very many, but, you know, um, there's, it's a rhyming game that's kind of, uh, can become sort of a rap battle, but you have to maintain a rhythm and you get to share words. And once it's down to just two people, it can be quite tough to keep the fresh words coming. So, uh, we'll just, we'll try a couple of rounds. Riley was he, if you can be compassionate to our boy Tyce. Absolutely. Okay. Um, give me a word, you tell me what word. So just the first one correlates. Yes. Well, as you ready to try to stick with us. Okay. The first word and the second word relate. Yes. So a and B relate. Yes. C and D relate. Yes. B and D rhyme. Got it. Okay. A and B relate, but don't run. D N E C D, or Jesus. C D relate. And D and B rhyme. Great. Your D becomes my a, okay, got it. Yes. Okay. Give me a word tree tree. It's like a tree without the leaf. It's like my shirt without its sleeve sleep was a stretch. And then I go up sleeve, sleeve. I got sleeve. Should we try this again? No, I think we're. I think we should roll with it. I'm saying yes and. It's like the sleeve without the cotton. Yup. It's like the, Nope. It's not going well. Okay. We're going to start over new word please.I'll take cotton. Oh, it's like the cotton without the ball. It's like a teenager without the mall. Like the mall. It's like the mall without the sh stores. Like the, do we do wait, I'm so confused. Now. I just, I played this game with my friends and I was doing so out now that there's like, why is there there's no pressure. Um, we, the C the C the B and the C correlate. No, they have nothing to do with each other. So I can just let, let that go. Stores. It's like the house without the chores. Little late on the rhymes. There we go. It's like the chores without the sweep. It's like Adele, without rolling in the deep, you could just do deep. Okay. It's like the deep without the ocean. It's like the song without the motion. Oh, okay. I thought you were going with potion, but it's like the motion without the dance. It's like the hot without the pants. It was a James Brown reference that It's like the pants without the shoes. It's like the win without the lose. Yes. Oh, that was fun. That was so much fun. Yeah. If you need a laugh, you can go revisit the end of episode 77. Um, and that reminds me actually, as we're on the subject of humor, one of my favorite laugh attack, super fun. I'm just grinning ear to ear. The entire episode was in episode 75 with smack the gosh who I just adore and is so real and talks so straight. And you know what, that's something that I want to talk about because, you know, I have, I take this podcast seriously and I am a funny person and I like to laugh. But when I do episodes by myself, I prepare for them. I write, I brainstorm, I survey people. I talk, I try to keep my finger on the pulse of what's going on in my world, as well as the world. And as well as the world of up-and-comers. And you know, it is truly awesome to me to have people show up who also care, but will talk so straight without being prepared without having, like, I don't give people talking points. We don't rehearse for this, but I really want to shout out every guest I had this year for showing up willing to be extremely transparent. And I learned, I got, I got closer to every single one of my guests after having these conversations. And, um, I'm so grateful, um, that they showed up the way they did, because I think everyone listening has a sense of that as well. Um, as well as the learning, you get to feel this like connection to someone. And I think that's great. I really love that. Oh man. So connection, you know, I love a good segue. I could not talk about this year of podcasting without talking about my connection to my voice, because smack dab in the middle of it, almost exactly. I had vocal cord surgery that knocked me out. That's not an, not a friendly way to put it, but, um, had me on complete vocal rest, zero speaking, total silence for three weeks. So what does a person with a weekly podcast deal with that? A lot of people ask me, um, oddly enough, and you can on this railway. Yeah. We had planned to take a break. Yep. For the month of July, we were going to do replay episodes because Malia baker or other teammate who super shout out Malia baker, this season would not have been possible without your efforts as well. Um, Malia baker at that time had been with us for over a year as well, weekly working without a break. And you joined in March, is that true? March of 20, 20, March of 2020. And so it was, yeah, summer of 2021 was definitely time for a break for everyone. So we had planned that and then I got the news, um, oh, you need surgery now, what? Which, by the way, I talk about how I unpacked that and prepared for that moment in episode 82, I don't remember what that was called that episode, but in 82, it was like, you need surgery. What do you do now? Which is a position that I think unfortunately many of us will find ourselves in, um, many of us physical performer types. So that was huge. Unpack that for a little while. And we did, we, we executed our replays, which are some of our favorites from season one. Um, what did we do? Uh, Spencer and Jermaine who fully smoked so good, Chloe Arnold. Um, and then we talked the episode about fear, which is so important, um, and not booking a, not getting what you want. One of my personal favorites, Right? Oh yes, Yes, man. It will never get old because you will never, always, always get what you want. There we go. Yup. Um, anyways, I, I did the, you need surgery now. What, and then on, on my first, oh, this was happened also that next week was my birthday week. Yes. So I spent my birthday on mute and possibly the best episode ever of the words that moved me podcast was hosted by my husband, Daniel Reetz, AKA vice chief. I have listened to this episode now five plus times probably. And I'm still taking notes, new things, hitting a new ways. Things I didn't understand on first listen that are now like spirits from my heart. Um, because you know, me personally, and I've mentioned my husband on the podcast a lot. What was it like for you to hear that episode for the first time? Oh, It was just cause it's great. I've ran into him on the stairway a few times, but still haven't like officially officially talked or met, but it just gave almost like a little clue into not your opposite, but like what influences you. Um, but doesn't influence you because you guys just are in so different in the way that you approach ideas. Um, and it was just cool to hear someone with a similar, um, I don't know what I'm trying to say. A similar like out, not similar outlook, but similar, um, love of how they approach what they want to talk about and how specific they want to be, but just completely do to different ideas about how that is so very specific and loving and caring, but totally different. Yeah. I think that's accurate. Um, I, I remember my first listen being like, wow, what a voice? Oh my God. It’s like the first thing you said to me, you're like just the voice. It was like, yep. It makes me melt. And then there's the whole content and mind and being and care. Um, I know he worked really hard on that episode and it is, it is hands down our best episode ever. Thank you for being a part of it. Vice Chief. Thank you. I love you. Um, yeah, it was a very difficult year for me to be a podcast host, to be a person who is about their voice. And I don't just mean the one that you hear. I mean, like my position on things and that episode, episode 81 with my husband, vice chief, he talks a lot about positioning your stance on things, your posture, not your physical posture, but like your placement, your view, your point of view. And man, for me, it feels like I've been on a kind of put in a tumble dry cycle and then somebody just opened the drawer of the dryer. And my point of view is like, um, beautiful movement. Thank you. It's very small space. So that was quite quite the pivot turn I just said. But, um, I feel like in many ways having this project to check in with once a week has grounded me on a year. That really felt like a fucking spin cycle. Yeah. Oh yeah. And I love it for that and I'm grateful for it for that. So thank you for being a part of that. Thank you for having me a part of that. I'm so grateful. Um, is there anything else that stands out? I mean, honestly, I want to just go through the list and say all their names out loud. Um, but I will encourage you to go visit us on Instagram. Um, for words, all spelled out words that move me podcast on Instagram and just check out the last 52 episodes. Um, if anything, or anyone speaks to you please indulge, oh my gosh, Miguel's Zarate I was like, can we talk about that one? Because, well, it was really the first time that you guys, you approached sex and sexiness on the podcast and the way that he approaches it is incredible. And I am in love with that episode so much. It is so good. Also wins for most F-bombs I think Really? Maybe. I think Jin Jin yes. Yes. Director of operations for millennium dance complex. Shout out episode 1 0 2. Um, yeah, that was a lot. Put Daniel also had hit the corner too. Okay. I feel, I feel like it's either Miguel or Jin Okay. I'd be curious about that. We'll get to that. We'll get back to you guys. Um, and then actually, uh, okay, so go check out the Dana wilson.com/podcast we think, or you can just go to Dana wilson.com and click on the podcast tab. That's probably going to be easier for you tab tab cab, interesting tab. Um, okay. But wait, because as we're saying that I'm realizing one of my other dear friends that I got so much closer to because of the podcast, but also because of the input they gave on my, uh, vocal recovery Reshma Gajjar or , which we found out during the episode that for her whole life, people have been pronouncing her name differently and incorrectly including her. So that was a fun uncovering, but, uh, Reshma talked a lot about the importance of meditation in her daily life and how it changed her dance practice. How becoming in a relationship with herself changed the relationship. She had to dance the industry being like money-making dance, her actual marriage, her family relationship, dynamic, all of it. And I co-sign on that. Um, while I was recovering, I used the meditations that Rushma shared with me and had some profound, uh, results from that truly sensations I had never had in my body. Um, but I will say this kind of jumping back to the voice thing, just to try to put a ball on it. I really thought I would come out of that period, that 21 days of silence with resolve, like knowing better who I am. Yes. Knowing deeper what will happen to me, what I will create, what, you know, how it will end air quotes. Like it, the movie that is my life. And I didn't, I didn't at all, if anything, I had more questions on answered more uncertainty. And I talk about this in the episode, right. When I come back, which must have been probably 90 through 92, somewhere in there where I talk about, uh, my experience of the surgery. So I do a kind of an episode about that recovery, but then later on in, I want to shout this one out too guys, we're going to be here. Um, I did an episode one day 97, so 97, I don't remember what it was called. Maybe it was called feeling blue and I was sad. Yo, it was in a tumble, dried tizzy frizzy of a place. It was being washed on cold. Oh, I guess you're drying. I was going to say what the washing machine was cold, cold, cold cycle, for sure. And, um, and not delicate either. It was like thick bulky items. And I got in this booth and I recorded a podcast anyways, and that was a win. It was a massive win for me because it reminded me a, of my resilience and making good on a promise that I kept to myself sometimes isn't that hard. Um, but the other thing is that it was very important to me that I be transparent with all of you and I don't position myself here as someone who has it all figured out. I am planting my feet in this tiny cubby of a podcast booth to be an example of what it looks like to live a full life. Yeah. Awesome. Cool stuff happened. Awesome. Cool guests. Awesome. Cool gigs that have celebrated in these wins. It was a wild year, but that episode stands out as being like, whoa, I did something that was huge for me. And it was very important that I share that. Um, oh, and then in the very, very last episode of season one was a recap episode where I asked all of my guests from season one. So none of the people that I just mentioned today, but everybody from season one answered the same question. They all answered the question. What is the difference between technique and style? And I love that episode so much that I decided this year to continue that practice of asking all of the guests the same question, except this year I changed the question and you will have to tune back in next week to hear from all of my guests, art and Flint, Jen Lee Hawk, Jonathan Battista, super love Jonathan Battista. That was such a great episode. Um, Tilly. Yes. Tilly Evans, Krueger, uh, Jessica Castro, who also lit me on fire with her straight talk. The honesty OU got me, um, Nina Rushma, uh, vice chief, Kara Mac, who you all. Wow. Moment of silence because yeah, the most loving schooling I have ever received the most inspiring check I've ever had. Like usually when I get checked, I feel immobilized, but this one was like, check me into action. And that was so important. Um Karine, in the Heights team Tice smack Miguel, my sister who was also, oh, she and I did an in-person side by side. That was fun. She also checked me fabulous. Women's Lily for yes. Who is number one? So funky. Yes, absolutely. Disgustingly funky in very impressively, funky, and also so vulnerable was so exposed in real whoa, uh, Erika Mori, Julia Grubs, the CPA money March from that, we're going to do money March again next year, save the day, save the dates. Um, uh, let's see, where were we? Oh, Craig Baylis and Kat burns when we talked about organizing those so great Nika Klun who also just had me starry-eyed yes. The whole time Dominique Kelly or Eartha Robinson Will Simmons Terry Senthil, Ava Bernstein Moncell Durden who wow. Who could have done this whole year's worth of episodes, the amount of information, knowledge that he has incredible, incredible favorite episode because I actually, that one teaches me a lot. I go back and listen to that one. Oh yeah. Um, Galen hooks, Matty peacock and Rebecca Wrangler, all of them are answering this question next week, tune in, listen to that. Um, and uh, yeah, I don't, I think that's maybe where we leave it for today. Yeah. Well, all those guests are incredible, but I also want to say thank you for so many solo moments that you had that throughout this year and each of them all have a purpose, um, and a real point of view. So shout out to also the solo moments that are just a strong. Thank you for that and thank to you for listening to me talk for at least as long as I listened to me talking about. Yeah. I mean, I do wish that the listeners could hear what I get to hear when i edit. Oh my God. Tell them it is So entertaining just to the flow in and out of like you change when you are in your podcast voice to when you're like, Ugh. Nope. Nevermind. Um, we're gonna, we're going to do that again to burping at any unexpected moment. Never, never know. Never know what to burping to random, cussing to random beeps to the lovely shout out to the carwash. Wow. Yes. Fixed itself. We're so glad. We're so thankful for that. For that background to be gone. Also the cup bubblesall the amount of cup bubbles that I could to here also unexpected, Not really warned. They just come out of nowhere. Um, so thank you for making me laugh outside of, in my job. I get to laugh for my job and that's always a win. Wow It's true. That is a huge win. Yeah, I'll take it. Great. I like, I like doing wins at the top and bottom. Absolutely. Um, so speaking of winning, you can all definitely be winning. Um, because my online store right now is jam packed with cool stuff and I'm offering a 25% off words that move me community annual memberships. So Riley and I talked a little at the top of the episode. If you want to get in on some of this good coaching, check out the Dana wilson.com/shop click on the coaching tab. If you are interested in that 25% discount, you use the coupon code, unconditional love, one word with capital letters at the beginning of each word, capital letter, unconditional capital letter love at checkout. That's how you get 25% off your annual memberships, but we've got so much more than that. One-on-one Ella cart, coaching sessions, um, audition self-tape companion ship. I do that for you. Uh, stickers, pop sockets, shoe bags. T-shirts you name it in less. It's a hat or a sweatshirt, which Riley is really vying for. I really want one. So I just want people to know about it and I just love, well, I own too many sweatshirts and I just want one Too many is a thought I own a number of sweatshirts and I want one more than with words that move me. Okay. How about y'all listening? Do you have thoughts on merch items? Send them to me at me, hit me with the DM on words that move me podcasts. Let me know what kind of merchant you would like to see in the shop. I'm dead serious. I am taking requests. Um, oh, but while we're here on the subject of requests, I am so looking forward to next year, next season, I already have a slew of an explored areas that I want to talk about. I want to talk about families that perhaps are not in support of a career in the arts, which Jen Lee and I got to talk about a little tiny bit. That was in episode 1 0 2, but I want to go in on that. I want to go in even deeper on goal cultivation, um, kind of this, this notion of self-worth versus external validation that shows up a lot in coaching. Uh, want to talk even more about managing relationships and identity outside being a dancer because all of us are working so hard to achieve that thing. Yeah. And then let's say a pandemic happens and who are you if you are not a dancer? So I love talking about identity and self worth. Oh, I also want to do an episode on what makes someone a master from the self float play claimed from the self-proclaimed movement master. I have a really good idea about this episode, stoked about it. We also have some killer guests lined up for next season. The one and only Tony basil like possibly, possibly the most mentioned person on the podcast. Yes. My dance teacher, miss Michelle, Mr. Tony Testa. Andy Blankenbuehler at some point, my acting teacher, Gary M Hoff at some point must Cat Rendic is on the roster. Liana Blackburn is on the roster. Um, uh, let's see. Oh my goodness gracious. I'm very excited about this. Although it has been on the menu for quite some time and schedules have been hard to align, but Kiarra Alegria who wrote in the Heights, um, and my broken language, the best selling book that came out this past year and it's just exquisite and she's great. Um, good friend, Amy Gardner Chloe maud Arnold. We'll probably need to revisit Chloe Arnold as well. I mean, it's going to be great. Oh yeah. But I do want to hear from you. What are you curious to hear more of on the podcast? I would love to know. I would love to hear from you. I would love to be doing these in person pods more often. This is so much fun for me. Um, and I would also love for you to get out there in the world and Keep it funky. She did a good job. Absolutely go keep it exceptionally funky. Keep it very kind as well because it is this it's the moment you be kind, but don't keep it kind of funky. Keep it very funky, but kind. Okay. That's it signing off, over and out. It's weird to not end with keep it funky. Right? Try it. Just try to end the episode. Goodbye. I don't know. (Laughter) Yep that’s where we are going to leave it. Outro: Me again. Wondering if you ever noticed that one more time. Almost never means one more time. Well, here on the podcast, one more thing actually means two more things. Number one thing. If you're digging the pod, if these words are moving you, please don't forget to download, subscribe and leave a rating to review your words, move me to number two things I make more than weekly podcasts. So please visit the dermis and.com for links to free workshops and so much more. All right, that's it now for real talk to you soon. Bye.

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